The Cranberry Cap'n

I have to say, I hated the first Uncharted even when it was newer. I thought the story ultimately was shallow, the main character unlikeable, and the gameplay repetitive. But the second two were pretty good and I thoroughly enjoyed them, so it isn't a flaw of the whole series. I think they still hold up pretty well

I played Chrono Trigger for the first time maybe ten years after it first came out. I thought it was amazing, even with the hype that others who had played it first had said. There were some design flaws caused by the limitations of the graphics and the system at that time, but overall I think it really held up

Other people made some good points that it may stem from an inability to physically block the stimulation of either hearing or seeing other people eat. I had not considered that, and want to amend my previous post to say that I agree that might be an issue and so just getting past it may not be so easy. A real doctor

That's funny, I had the opposite reaction. My parents, and my mother in particular, were very keen on teaching me proper table manners. It gave me the confidence to be able to eat with anyone without feeling self-conscious, because I know I'm not disturbing anyone with my eating habits, whether it is finger food or

Which is kind of funny because when you think about it, eating out alone is considered rather embarrassing here (in the West) too. There's a myriad of rom-com jokes about the local take-out place knowing your order before you say it because you're a lonely singleton, or whatever. And if I have to eat out at a

Not to mention that from the "therapy" description of "aspiration therapy" it sounds like medicalized bulemia...

The A-Tube is a thin silicone rubber tube that connects the inside of the stomach directly to a discreet, poker-chip sized Skin-Port on the outside of the abdomen.

I had heard once that in Japan, eating alone is a taboo and kind of shameful. Anyone who has lived in Japan recently — is that still true?

I sort of agree with keverdene. This is a serious issue for you if you're disrupting your life for it. Nearly every social interaction includes some kind of food, even if it's just chips and soda; and anyone who walks into your home should at the least be offered some water, even if they're only there for a half hour.

Of course, and obviously that's not right. I'm saying it's not right the other way around, either.

"Start going to a vegan co-op or another place where ethical infallibility and the magical health properties of kale and quinoa are served up in equal measure."

I have two words for you: Cat Park.

I agree, I would be swearing my head off the whole time.

Why are these idiots standing there, and then approaching the fire? Those explosions are throwing shrapnel all over the highway, jersey barriers aren't going to save you.

Still! Your body was totally made to do this!

I'm gunna go with

But on the other hand....

I've heard the horror stories, but I don't think that's as common as it's made out to be. I had a pretty bad tear, but everything feels the same for me. After recovery, no problems at all. A few kegel exercises strengthened the walls a bit and back to normal, no probs.

A wonderful moment? Yes (when they're out, holding your baby for the first time is awesome, but that happens either way). A beautiful moment? Heck no, the birth process is disgusting, no matter whether you deliver vaginally or surgically.

I was before I was pregnant. Then I was pregnant and while it wasn't awesome, it wasn't so bad. Childbirth was probably the physically most challenging thing I've ever done, but also in retrospect, not so bad. It probably depends on the person, and for me the end result (the baby) was totes awesome.