The Cranberry Cap'n

Not for me. I've been breastfeeding just since my baby was born a few months ago too, but if I got a note like this I'd be horrified. When I publicly breastfeed I try not to be noticed, I hate being stared at, so finding out that someone was oggling me and my baby would feel very weird.

I guess I haven't been paying attention. I'm actually surprised she said anything about her preferences at all, given how much that opens her up to judgement no matter what you say.

You want a natural birth, remember!

Hi, breastfeeding mother here. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's okay to be uncomfortable with breastfeeding. I'm not going to judge you for that, everyone has their own comfort level with it, especially bodily exposure.

Please don't. Breastfeeding isn't a statement, it's a necessity, and the people who try to make every public breastfeeding into a political declaration make it harder for people like me who are just trying to feed their babies in peace. Assholes who bother you about it don't deserve to even be responded to.

Forget visiting the ride, I want these guys' job!

Resident Evil is called Biohazard in Japan? I never knew that, good to know.

I'll watch this show for all the pretty.

Don't forget your fringe-boobs!

Honestly, I can't imagine what it is like to be publicly criticized. I beat myself up if I don't get a perfect "Outstanding" in all areas of my annual performance evaluation.

I skip some articles because I know just by the subject it's going to upset me, even without commenting or getting flamed directly, it might still be attacking or making fun of something I relate to either in the article itself or the comments. Even though comments on the Internet have no consequences for the people

Well, I'd say at least 50% of the population would know quite a bit about brassieres.

I'm a Catholic. It's easier to admit that online than in the real world, because usually it ends up in getting attacked for it. People "ask" questions, but it just ends up being a springboard so that people who hate the Pope or Catholicism or Christianity or organized religion (which includes more than atheists, let

They're called "training bras" for a reason. Learning to wear a bra isn't easy, it's not natural-feeling to have an elastic band around your mid torso all day. It helps ease children into becoming familiar with what they will inevitably have to wear for the rest of their life.

The silly thing about how expensive these are is you could easily — very easily — grow these yourself in your backyard.

Oh man, I forgot about that guy. He was so creepy.

"What the — My eyes disappeared!"