The Cranberry Cap'n

I think about this sometimes whenever a Firefly rumor pops up. It makes me sad that there's pretty much no way they could use the same cast, they're all too old now and it would be like Indiana Jones 4 all over again.

I find it interesting that Cloud adjusts his glasses in such a nerdy way. Everyone knows you push them up by the sides, not the middle, unless you're some kind of scientist dweeb.

Flan flan?

Well helllooooooo beautiful opera-fan-man!

28 years is probably enough time to think about it and maybe change your mind.

Baby so cute


Not surprised. There are other parts of the U.S., within the same country, where they don't sell marshmallow fluff. I was devastated.


True story: bacon is the reason I can't be vegetarian. I just can't!

What?! The BLT should always have toasted bread! It's mush without it! Or do you mean toasting the whole thing after it's already prepared with the lettuce and tomato, because that's gross.

I want to add in for clarity: the case was tried in the American legal system (in terms of set-up: a trial by a jury of one's peers. Meaning a selection of supposedly everyday citizens are chosen to listen to the case and ultimately make the final decision). However, the law called "Stand Your Ground" that is at the

'There is a lot of pressure on new parents in all kinds of ways and this is something that remains taboo and just isn't talked about."

I approve of this thread

"How do my ridiculously small forearms support such huge hands?"

What I meant was a world that is 3D in terms of moving in space, but 2D in terms of art, like a cartoon. This does look like a cartoon, yes, in terms of the art style. But it doesn't look like a cartoon — the kind you watch on television — in terms of the movement through space and camera.

Alas, I haven't had a chance to play that one yet although I loved the art style. Is it good?

Playable animated cartoons! My inner child is so happy. I wish there were more of these, and not just remasters.