The Cranberry Cap'n

True. But thankfully, that doesn't mean it has to be a bad movie.

This is truly gruesome, heinous, and tragic. What else can you say?

Right? This is really giving me the heeby-jeebies.

I have to be honest, I think if I were ever to publish a book, I would do the same as she did and just use my initials.

What? I've been away from the Internet and missed this story somehow. Holy cow... I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry for his family and friends, and Lea Michele too.

Despite the fact that the game looks like a pretty hardcore clone, I'm down for Wind Waker + Uematsu. Pretty cool combo in my opinion, especially for an iPad game.

It's like Mary Blair meets Rocky and Bullwinkle...

I think it's in the texture of the fabric that makes it (plus the model's physique, that helps). So many cosplays are made from cheap polyester and too-bright spandex. They end up looking flat and unflattering. The combination of the textured blue, the muted colors, and the leather takes it up a notch.

If I had that kind of time and energy, I totally would, if only to have the best Halloween costumes every year.

There are a ton of similar shirts at The Gap.

Cleanup on page 10! She's pooping lace!

I do too. I wasn't challenging why we wants a single, specific character, I'm asking why he seems to feel male is so important in the first place. Why the specific character couldn't have been female, and he's getting all up in arms about it.

I think part of the problem — and there are many facets to this problem — is the lack of diversity in the developers. People tend to make characters who resemble themselves. So many of the developers are white twenty- to forty-something men, so they think up stories about white twenty- to forty-something men, and then

He doesn't have to. I didn't say he did. But I'm curious as to why being male is so important to him (and in general, why being white is so important that it's so prevalent) and whether he has an answer for that.

Well, I gotta say the artistic design hair floof looks like a ponytail, so "he" looks like a girl to me anyway.

I am so saving this gif.

But the question is, why is being male or being white that important to the story that it can't be changed? Is the narrative truly that dependent on his whiteness, or his maleness?

Master Chief is a terrible example. You can't see his face, he has no romantic interest, his physical strength is moot because he's in enhancing space armor, which also hides any kind of body shape that suggests male or female. There is literally no reason for Master Chief not to be a woman, except for the voice,