The Cranberry Cap'n

Leggings as anything but footless tights are a huge pet peeve for me.

Same. In my circle, it's tipsy, then buzzed, then drunk, then wasted. Terms apply to all.

Aw, it's okay, we can still be friends :-) or...

As a mother who also works outside the home, I will say that while being a mother may be more demanding, it's also more fun and I don't mind doing it. So it's an even trade off for me.

If it helps, I don't think what she's described is typical, or at least she's had a much harder time than I. Sure, it's hard sometimes, but most of the time with my four month old it's just smiles and giggles, playing and poopy diapers, and sleeps about 6-7, sometimes up to 10 hours in a row at night. It's a pretty

Also, leftover spaghetti at all. Pasta is prepared al dente and espressi, people! Pasta leftovers are mushy garbage!

I got married at 23 (the hubs 24), and a lot of people treated us like we were 16-year-olds eloping. So I don't really know what the "marriage age" is, because it doesn't seem to exist.

I prefer Madam, myself.

That plus the apparent constant discomfort necessitating adjustments makes me glad for my convenient interior sex organs.

I'm told that doesn't work. It gets rid of what's on the outside, but it seems afterwards some urine is left in the urethra and trickles out slowly over the next few minutes.

I guess NASA hadn't heard about how Boss the UConn women's team is.

Yes, more good scifi games need to happen. I'm getting bored of Space Marine XXVI.

Oh you're right, sorry. I didn't pay that close of attention, I never grew up with Metal Gear so I've not played any of the games. But yeah, the ending was loooong and my husband was like, "wtf, is this ending or what? This is stupid!"

Yes, it was definitely Liquid Snake and Solid Snake comically beating each other up, grunting and wheezing like the old, old men they were.

When my husband finished MGS4, I watched the final boss battle — or at least, what appeared to be the boss battle — and part of the subsequent cut scenes. Then I went and watched a movie, came back, and he was still watching the end credits with this look like Hideo Kojima had personally punched him in the face.

Sometimes I feel bad for child actors who grow up in the spotlight. I cringe to think that every stupid thing I did or said as a young person was watched and memorialized forever. It doesn't make his behavior excusable, just pitiable.

I suppose he would become the "First Gentleman" if Hilary Clinton became Madam President.

I must not be much of a feminist, because I have a weird, unknown medical condition (not menopause) where I have amenorrhea and never menstruate at all. I don't get to make pained, over-involved decisions about what kind of blood-stoppers I use. WHERE DO I FIT IN?

Why do people insist on ruining everything?

People are worried about the state of their feet when they get pedicures? I'm way more concerned about the inevitable hairy-woman leg stubble I always have when it comes time for the calf massage.