The Cranberry Cap'n

French makeup removers? They're all the same, water + oil + maybe a skin conditioner, why spend on imports? You can make it at home with olive oil, water, witch hazel.

No, but the process takes so long it might as well be.

I really honestly am very curious when people say "the Catholic Church has done a lot of good."

The next article after this one starts: "Jesus Christ, Christians. You know this whole ban-everything-that-makes-my-penis-confused thing is not going to pan out for you in the long run, right?" to start an article about a Baptist minster.

I honestly agree. I've watched a few times and I just find it kind of laughable and ridiculous looking.

I have to wonder why this is even an article-worthy story. Some Christian men want to stop watching pornography, I don't really see why we need to belittle them for it. They're not even trying to ban porn.

Because we're expected to buy new fashions constantly. Men are expected to just buy once — 'cuz they hate shopping, har har — so it makes sense to try and have better quality to get that one buy they are presumably making, versus the 5 buys a female customer would. In short, our clothes are supposed to be disposable,

Sure, but I still hold that the above study is flawed, since it can only tell us what women report about themselves. It could very well be that women are now more likely to admit to cheating, rather than a significant increase in actual cheating.

I still have a hard time believing that all married men were cheating with single girls while married women didn't cheat at all.

Holy cow, what a volatile mess. Sounds like you've done the right thing by getting out now, lest you started hanging around with just men to please her, and get accused of having sex with them next.

Blergh, I agree, I can't stand the flapper-girl headgear. My infant daughter does have hair but the only thing that goes on her head is bonnets to shield her from the sun. Babies wear bonnets, that's their thing. The head strap is pointless, ugly, and looks like a garter belt.

I think that's less "prudishness" and more terrible insecurity issues, yikes. Even the most prudish, decorum-following people I know don't consider friends of the opposite sex and harmless social flirting a betrayal.

Since most of the studies that report these kinds of statistics are usually based on surveys of what people admit about themselves, I wonder if it is more probable that we've closed the "admitting to infidelity" gap. The infidelitous men must have cheated with someone, and I have a hard time believing it was with all

This appears to be one of my grandmother's crocheted afghans.

To be fair, when you talk to your infant in person, you often speak in the third person so they learn your name and their own name, and the English language in general. Like "Grandma loves you, Carl!" "Mommy is going to change your diaper, Rachel. See? Off it goes, and here's the new one. All done!" "Does Robby have a

I know. The bottoms look like track pants with half a skirt sewn to one side, and the top looks like it was put in with the wrong colors in the wash.

I find that crowning oneself a "Mama Bear" is just a way to excuse otherwise annoying, rude, or overprotective behavior because it's for the children, afterall, and who can begrudge a mother her love? Never mind teaching children important life lessons like how to get along with others and the world does not revolve

Flipping back and forth between the cover photo and the one you have below, I don't think they did much to her natural skin tone on her face and arms, but the lower half of her body does look lighter. I think it is the effect of the water and perhaps that they've washed out some of the background of the photo to

First of all, congratulations on your child, that's wonderful! When I was in college, I took a wonderful class on film taught by a female professor who had a wife and two children. She was always Mom, her wife was always Mommy or something to that effect, although I don't know how they settled on the two names.