The Cranberry Cap'n

I appreciate that Kerry Washington is front-and-center here, but what were they thinking with the partially-submerged-in-water shot? It makes her body and head look distorted and weird. At first glance I thought she had been badly photoshopped to death.

Yes, yes you can. There is something dignified about the word "mother" that other variants just do not live up to.

Ugh, and I thought I was angry when one of my bags leaked and a few ounces was ruined. And the time I accidentally left an entire day's pumping from work in the car. Major bummer, it's so much effort to get that much milk.

Like, "C'mere, babes" or "This is my babes?" I have not heard of that one yet.

It's definitely too weird to put "human" as a qualifier. You'd be surprised at how creepy that sounds for a lot of things: human sex, human organs, human blood. Having to specify that something is human just sounds odd.

Well, being that people are animals, I would think breast milk is inherently an animal product in and of itself.

While it's true that there are no guarantees with formula either, I still posit that for the time being, it is safer than unregulated breast milk banks. Formula is regulated so it can be recalled if there is an issue, and an investigation into the problem. Breast milk banks are not regulated and it is up to each bank

Right, but they are still unregulated, so it's up to each bank or non-profit to create their own standards of safety.

I think people without children can have opinions about these kinds of things. Sure, some things change when you have kids. But I will say that it felt awesome to finally be able to express how I felt about child-rearing and other parenting issues after I had my daughter. I was like, "YES, now my long-held opinions

That's one thing that worries me about breastmilk swaps, that combined with the "breast is best!" mentality, women might kill themselves to try to obtain breastmilk when the source isn't known to be safe or regulated. Right now in the U.S., breastmilk swaps are unregulated so you have pretty much no idea who the

Can I just say I'm super tired of the word "Mama" ubiquitously used to refer to mothers? Such as: "I'm a proud mama [bear optional]!" "You go, Mama!" "Us mamas know what's up!" It's so saccharine.

Those evil birds are just waiting for you to sit down, so they can stab you with their razor beaks.

Wow. And she has a son to set an example for too. I just... I must be sheltered or something because I really just do not understand why someone would say that. Ever.

I agree that just straight-up not responding when the person was 1) relatively close to you and 2) not being friend-dumped because they have been incredibly rude (as the poster's "friend" has been) is not the right course of action.

How do I but this bridge as painlessly as possible?

Wow. That's as big as my bedroom...

I love it too, but not for $24k. Even if I had the kind of money to buy a couch that expensive, it just seems so ridiculous to pay the equivalent of the average home's down-payment for something that your dog will pee on and your dad will fart into.

Just a little more plastic surgery, and you'll be beautifulllllllll. All your self-esteem problems will just melt away!

Wow, I never noticed that. But considering the comedy level of that movie, you are probably right.

I think it has to do with looking "put together," which is considered more professional. That's understandable and not really the problem here. The problem is that the standards for women are higher and more time consuming than for men to look put together. Men just need some combed hair, a decent suit and shoes, and