The Cranberry Cap'n

Hi there, I have a burner account to protect my identity and I just want to say that I'm sorry you're being harassed. The posters above are being dreadful. I've never met anyone whose life was so perfect they had the right to go around telling other people how to live. Especially to strangers. I'm very sorry that you

Really? I love her chapters. Jon's and Danaerys' make me snore.

Honestly, the tea thing is probably personal preference, but give it a try and tell me what you think! Tea is a delicate flavor, so it deserves a delicate receptacle. Part of it is the anticipation preparing tea, especially if you boil the water, pour it into a teapot, let it steep, and then pour it into a teacup. The

Trying to imagine how that works kind of grosses me out...

I think that is the British spelling.

I am honestly not surprised that the type of utensil you use affects the way you perceive your food. Once when I took a cooking class in Florence, the woman who taught the class said something like: "your eyes need something to eat too." Meaning that the presentation of food, including the colors on the plate, was

These are real. The ones that retract into the ground are often used around government buildings or areas that may need to block possible attacks by vehicles, or otherwise block the entry or nearby roads.

Good point. If I saw anyone with the glasses nearby, I would run the other way already.

What is he wearing? A Boy Scout uniform? I hope not, the last thing they need is Glenn Beck.

Lol, nice.

On an unrelated note, I always giggle at the word gubernatorial. I know it's the correct word, but it's like the guy who makes up words for the dictionary had a really stuffy nose that day.

all of whom rubberneck to get a glimpse at her — and her boots.

I can't stop trying to figure out what she is chewing on. A hat? Underwear? A glove???

This shot is pretty awesome. It reminds me of the famous photo of Babe Ruth's last game:

I felt the same! I looked at my body post-pregnancy and to my surprise, I thought "Hey, not bad. Not bad at all." Other people keep reassuring me that I'm going to lose the weight, I'll get back there, etc. not realizing that I don't care anymore. I don't care that I'm bigger than I was, that my clothes don't fit

I just want to chime in that hair care can be a mess even with your own biological children. My mother had wavy-straight hair, I have tight banana curls. She had absolutely no idea how to care for curls so trying to brush or style my hair as a child was a battle every day. It took until I was a teenager for me to sort

Oh, hey. You're home from Afghanistan. Cool.

Oh ugh, I was so disinterested in sex the last trimester. Huge and uncomfortable and impatient to get the baby out. Almost everyone I knew felt this way. You're not alone, so please don't beat yourself up and feel guilty.

If it helps, my husband wasn't sure he wanted to see me from that angle either, he had planned to stay up by my head for support. But pretty much immediately, he was fascinated with the whole process of his child being born, and forgot all about feeling a little weird. Afterward, he thought I was a warrior and amazing