The Cranberry Cap'n

It's okay, don't beat yourself up. When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared of all the changes to my life and my body. As I got larger, I came to like the way I looked, rounded and all. After the baby, some of the weight remains and I know my body isn't the same. My breasts droop and have stretch marks along the

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to join the trend, despite the clear will of the people’s representatives through DOMA.

I remember seeing an exhibit on veiling in a local museum once. One of the displays really resonated and looked something like this:

Honest question: do you feel that the Catholic nun's habit a symbol of oppression? Or a minister or priest's collar, or kippah/yarmulke? A Hasidic Jewish woman's hair coverings? Religiously obligatory beard-growing and hijabs on Muslim men?

I think they are adapting a graphic novel, itself based on Jane Eyre ("a modern retelling"), into a movie.

Yikes, you're right. I amend to conception.

This is kind of why I worry about the next generation of children. Everything is online now, their whole lives from birth on. Everything is recorded and then shared with the world instantly. Of course they are going to start thinking that it's okay to put grievances and personal problems there too. It seems to me that

Aw I wish it were the sneakers instead. And also: "We will not sit."

Haha, you know, I really like reading celebrity rants on social media because it really brings them down to earth. Rihanna sounds and writes just like one of my more deranged cousins. "Don't fuck with me!!!! HAHA NO DRAMA BITCH'!!!!!"

Oh yes, a total gem, I'm very lucky indeed. coming home from work to pick her up is the best part of my day.

Haha oh yes, Cake Wrecks is the best! Enjoy!

I remember I was really surprised when someone was talking about baptism for their son, bemoaning that they couldn't get a real baptism gown, because he's a boy. Um... what? He's a baby! Baptismal gowns are for babies! You probably put your boy to bed in something that looks like this:

Very true. I don't put pictures of my kid online, not even on Facebook. I don't trust the companies that own social networks that I can future-proof her privacy. If embarrassing information is going to go up about her on the internet, it's going to be her choice, not mine.

The thing that I find a little weird is that the child is older now, well within the age where he can start making his own choices about what he likes to wear on a day-t0-day basis. I'm not sure he would pick Gucci belts and designer jeans more than Spiderman tees and a hat with Elmo on it. Maybe he would, but then do


Haha, I don't think disembodied body parts are beautiful to anyone.

It's lifting about now. Little Cap is starting to sleep through the night consistently and I feel much better. I have to adjust my own sleep schedule though, right now she sleeps 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM, wakes up to eat, and then 3:00AM - 6:00AM again. So I can't go to bed at midnight like I used to, now my bedtime is like

Me too! I never got OCD, just broke down and started crying randomly. I remember saying "I feel like she is never going to get this! [breastfeeding]" and just crying. One day my husband came home from work and I was just crying from being so tired, like "Please, take her for a while, I just need sleep. I NEED

For me, it was the same symptoms as jet lag. Just foggy, all the time. Maybe a little more emotional. I might check things a few more times and be extra careful because I was afraid of making a mistake and sometimes forgot what I was doing from being so tired.
