The Cranberry Cap'n

Augh, I like me some hairy chest on a man, but this is making my stomach roil.

Uh oh... the next step is sitting on the couch in the birthday suit!

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

I agree. It's just compounding the problem and making it worse. What other prominent Southerners like Anne Rice should be doing, if she cares to comment, is to say "this is abhorrent, this does not represent us, this is not what we believe." How is excusing this behavior in any form helping?

Eh, it's kind of similar to babies. The concept of a baby drooling, spitting up, or pooping on you is pretty gross when you think about it objectively, but when the baby is your own, you (a) get used to it so you hardly notice and (b) don't mind because they can't help it and you love them so much. Plus, dogs licking

I didn't think the new movies were very good, actually. But yes, he's definitely held some babies before. Super cute!

Is there anything cuter than a grown man in costume cuddling toddlers? I guess the answer is no?

I'm not a southerner, but I have a feeling so many southerners are cringing at this whole affair. It adds fuel to the unfortunate stereotype that the South is still prejudiced. Ms. Rice, your apologist explanations are not helping.

Agreed. If there's one thing we should have absolutely zero tolerance for, it is prejudice and epithets. These people, Paula Deen and her brother, are still alive. Maybe in their life there was a time when casual racism was acceptable in many places. Maybe they learned some awful mindsets growing up. Maybe in the 60's

I don't know how to eat cakes like these, or ones that look like babies or pregnant bellies. It just feels so wrong but tastes so delicious.

Cannot unsee the penis.



Ouch. Thank you for that concise explanation.

It's true. And then there are people who maybe obsess about their pets maybe a little too much...

Well, technically we humans do this all the time. Re: pets.

Is it different for people? ;-)

I admit I am not very savvy with celebrity news. Can someone tell me why John Mayer is not very liked as a person?

Well, I'm on the other side of the coin — sort of? My husband and his last girlfriend had just broken up a week before we met. I was pretty cautious since I had no intention of being a rebound, and I was dating several other people casually at that time. They had done the on-and-off thing many times, and I think she

This is an actual photo of a woman — dead in this photo — who committed suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. It's a tasteless choice.