The Cranberry Cap'n

Weddings are to make money for your future.

I agree, what is with the sarcasm? It's a real scientific study that just plainly says that not sleeping enough appears to be linked to weight gain and other health problems. It's not attacking people or calling them "fatties," it's stating study results. I thought Jezebel loved teh science, but apparently not when it

I remember during my "birth preparation" classes, the instructors implored us to get as much sleep as possible after the baby was born, because the exhaustion, bodily and mentally, was a huge contributing factor to PPD. Not to say that PPD is solely caused by sleep deprivation, but it makes it so much worse.

Yeah, wrinkles are pretty much unavoidable. The only thing that slows them down is preventing skin damage like sun exposure. I call them my wisdom lines.

"But I wanted to be able to show these kids, 'Fuck that! You're still warriors, man.'"

If you all are looking for interesting views from American Indian people on this topic, check these articles from Indian Country Today out.

"So he's going to do red face right."

Honestly, who plays Kingdom Hearts for plot?


I understand. This is how I feel about Final Fantasy VI, which is probably a simpler and less graphically impressive game than when I first played it in 1994. The same for even older games like Excite Bike, would you believe.

I... what...

I agree the due date might have been fibbed, but I would think it was less for dramatic story and more for being able to go into labor in peace without paparazzi camped outside. I mean, I can't imagine even the Kardashian family really wanting to have those kind of unpleasantries (e.g. labor) open to the public.

Ugh, just the term "push present" makes my skin crawl with entitlement cooties.

What on earth is this? I'm trying to puzzle this out... are those painted on eyelashes viewed from the side so they look skewed?

Since when does "reporting what happened" turn into "complaining."

Since when does "reporting events" turn into "complaining."

I do too. I joke that I'm going to make my daughter play them in order; "No honey, you can't play Final Fantasy XXIII until you finish IV, I don't care how laughable a Moon Whaleship is!"

You may be right, but then games are traditionally a smaller market than film or music. There is a lot more personal cost — with movies you can go to the theater, music comes free with radio. As games become more mainstream, I do wonder which will survive as legitimate classics. My guess is those with great stories

I would compare video games most to special effects in film.