The Cranberry Cap'n

I'm not hating on it, just curious how people feel about it who did play it the first time.

I think you're getting a little worked up here and making a few assumptions.

To be fair, Ms. Stewart, that's like saying the Drudge Report is harmless because we all know it has sensational headlines. But we know it is harmful, because all people see are flippant headlines and forget the content and source criticism. The allegations of extraordinary racism here are incredibly serious, we're

Okay, wait:

I would say that he does. He's definitely less "stoic" hero than his PR team have made him out to be, in my opinion.

True that. Link to the Past forever.

For sure. I'm not a troll, I'm not sitting back like "Okay, y'all, CONVINCE ME" *mic drop* or trying to incite a flame war on the hackneyed it's the Best Game Ever/It's Horrible debate. I'm just genuinely curious what other people see in it, even if it didn't hook me personally.

I don't really understand why they went with the broodiness of Cloud in other incarnations of him. I thought he would be whiny based on what I knew of him, but then when I actually played the game I was pleasantly surprised that he changes partway through the game and is a lot more cheery and amiable in general. I

Haha, truth. Although I am older than 25 — I just had a Nintendo instead of a PSX.

That's hard to say. Full disclosure: I played VI as a child, I did not play VII as a child, so I fully admit the nostalgia weighs fairly heavily. I will say that I missed the political elements of the game in later Final Fantasy games that you played in VI, and I liked the style of the pseudo-steampunk-Middle-Ages.

Very true. I do think that other games have stood the test of time much better, however. I also played Chrono Trigger about 10 years after it's release, around 2005, and I remember I was blown away by the story, the graphics, and the game play. I'm not sure if graphically Chrono Trigger was as huge as FFVII for its

The backgrounds and music were definitely impressive, even to my eyes and ears in 2007 or so.

I don't think it's pointless to ask for people's opinions. I didn't say I was looking for factual evidence that it's the Best Game Ever, I wanted to understand why some people were so attached to it.

Good point, that's something I hadn't considered. I've played a few retranslations of FFVI, and while the original story was understandable, the retranslation was much more smooth. Although "Son of a Submariner!" will stay in my heart forever.

I didn't have a Playstation as a child, so I played Final Fantasy VII maybe ten years after it came out. I thought it was a good game, but I'm genuinely curious why people love it so much. I found it a little difficult to follow what was happening with the Cloud is a clone — no he's not — he's infused with Mako — his

That and slimming the look of the leg as well as giving height.

Yeah, I had some woman walk in on me when I was feeding my baby with both my breasts out, just an hour or so after the birth. She seemed uncomfortable and I just stared her in the face pretending like I wasn't mostly naked, wearing a monstrous cold pack on my nethers and reclining with half a blanket on. She wanted to

Oh, there will be plenty of practice for that during the birth.

I don't really see the two as mutually exclusive.

That's so narcissistic. Sure, some women eventually choose to stay home for a while for various reasons in order to care for children, but he's completely marginalizing how difficult that is. Even if you want to stay home with your kids, it's not easy giving up the companionship of adult coworkers, the satisfaction in