The Cranberry Cap'n

I think it's really nice that they used Donda. So many people go for the uniqueness of names instead of sentiment. Family names give such a nice sense of heritage.

Well yeah but you could always switch to a nice mellow Riesling, you know?

Damn your lips very soft
As I turn my Blackberry off
And I turn your bath water on
And you turn off your iPhone
Careless whispers, eye fuckin', bitin' ass
Neck, ears, hands, legs, eatin' ass
Your pussy's too good, I need to crash
Your titties, let 'em out, free at last
Thank God almighty, they free at last

Okay, so here's the context:

Oh ugh, I didn't think of "white wine" as a metaphor for white men. Image is so much grosser with the verb "sippin'" now.

Ah-thank you vurry much!

Oh good, mocking second wave feminists using the words of Dr. King, then. Much better.

You chose... poorly.

Speaking of Car Talk, I miss these guys:

I look past the occasional discreet adjustment, as I have no real comparison for having something dangling between my legs all the time. It seems incredibly annoying. But I also do not understand the crotch-grabbiness as a statement.

Your titties, let 'em out, free at last
Thank God almighty, they free at last

I'm flipping the genders over in my mind and really skeeved by a fully-dressed bachelor "forcing" half of his dates to wear skimpy bathing suits and parade themselves around. So, I'm a little weirded out by this scene.

I watched a documentary about the two of them, and Mr. Eames was often all over the place. Some people who used to work with them both said that his speech was often word-salad-like and difficult tounderstand.

You fool! Never read Yahoo comments on anything!

Ugh I know, trying to replay is so difficult, not just the work but the story is written in my head the way I played it. I couldn't do it differently, the plot is stuck in there the way it is and it's so personal, I can't change it.

That's an understandable fear. For me, I put on a few pounds postpartum, but I never had much swelling and very few stretch marks (just around the breasts because they swelled a lot when the milk came in), and breastfeeding is helping shrink me back down. But the cool thing is, my baby doesn't give two craps about how

Aw don't hate on old Will, I liked his movies. And Salt was decent.

I was always a female Shep and damn I loved her, she was such a tortured badass. She commanded like a champ. I tried a play through as a male Shep and he felt limp by comparison for me.

Haha I just realized I might be scaring you off children. So as an endnote: as soon as that baby is in your arms, you totally forget about anything else—the doctors, the labor, how tired you are, any discomfort or pain, everything. It's like lightning strikes and you love this baby all at once even though you've

Not where I gave birth (in a hospital birthing center). Maybe you could request one? But they rotated me so much - back, side, other side, back again - during pushing that a sheet would have been pretty useless. Plus, pushing was hard physical work for me, it was super hot and sweaty and I wouldn't have wanted one on