The Cranberry Cap'n

Maybe do what you would do for any friend and say "I don't know, man, let's go have some beers." It's clearly a rhetorical question.

Oh do tell, do tell!

I know, it's the worst. I've gotten more than one raised eyebrow from men who thought it was complimentary to say "you're funny, for a woman." Well gee, thanks for the qualifier, you really know how to make a lady feel special.

Ugh, no thanks. Once I bemoaned to a man I knew "Ugh, why don't the good ones ever come my way?" and he suggested that it was because I do not wear nail polish and talk too much about man's things (read: video games, sports, education...) and should do more women's things, like read ladies' magazines and know more

I'm not feeling Iman's dress. The asymmetrical neckline makes it look like she put it on wrong or it has somehow gotten twisted.


I remember that passage. I like the books, but sometimes the author's point of view as a man really leaks through when he writes for his female characters, like when he talks about breasts from a woman's perspective. Which is a shame, because it really takes you out of otherwise very well-rounded characters.

Right? Mr. Martin may be "America's Tolkein," but Westeros has hardly a passing resemblance to Middle-Earth.

I have to assume that they've seen enough of her writing to determine that it's pretty freaking good. To already sign on for 7 books is a pretty good vote of confidence.

I read that more like, "when making descriptions of clothing or height references, the author does not reference breasts so much."

And also because who wants to get busy when Game of Thrones is on? Seriously, save it for later, hon!

Just one week after a study out of Australia proved...

Sure, things wear out. You don't need a degree in engineering to know that. But my 10-year-old DVDs are playing fine, as are my FF7 discs from 1996. My vinyl records from the 60s and 70s play well too. For a 5-year lifespan, I'm curious as to what on earth people are doing to their possessions.

You would definitely know more about it than I do, then. I guess I was just saying in general it's not always the parents, or at least not openly so. Lack of oversight can leave such a big hole for idiocy to fill.

He looks so fuzzy!

5 years? What are you doing to your discs!

I agree. I love being able to rifle through my old stacks of SNES and NES games, my Gamecube and my N64, stick in the cartridge or disc, and just start to play.

I am honestly befuddled as to why he had a dirtbike at church in the first place. Would like to know more about that story.

Thank you, I didn't see that at first.