The Cranberry Cap'n

True, although I always wonder how much the parents are to blame. Many of my family members work in municipal schools systems and perfectly rotten children can do or say some awful stuff with decent parents who are honestly surprised, shocked, and embarrassed at their behavior. Not always, a lot of the time the apple

As a parent, I would want to crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment if this were my child, and move far, far away. I can't imagine how humiliating it would be to have a child say things like this as a public official.

"I'm like, your shorts are too short!"

Same, I don't really get Jezebel's excitement about it. Nice dress, nice hair and makeup, yes, but otherwise nothing is really happening here.

Oh come on, the characters all clearly have English regional accents.

I don't even know what is being said in half of these excerpts.

My husband proposed to me when we went on a trip to an old camping site I used to go to as a kid. We sat by the river and he said he wanted to marry me. It was sweet and I said yes, but I would have said yes if we had been sitting on the couch.

"TheCap'n used Applicator. It was super effective!"

For a second, I thought it was empowering women by teaching them how to hunt with a shotgun, for wild poultry like ducks or pheasant. That would teach them sustainability and how to get food on one's own. Then I read the article. Hope springs eternal.

True, I know there are some differences but honestly I'm just not that thrilled by it. Maybe in time when developers have had a chance to get used to the technology.

There you have it, it was a tampon tantrum, and it resulted in things being worse for women.

I suppose that makes sense. Sesame Street was originally, and still is in some ways, meant for poor and urban American children. It was an educational show on a free channel that took place in a city, and the original set honestly was rather dirty looking. It didn't look like a nice bright suburban neighborhood. Oscar

I think a lot of people care. Nowadays with limited time and limited income, I only buy used games because it's difficult to afford $60 right off the bat for every game I want to play. The fact that the PS4 will continue to allow used disc games is a big plus for me, unless Microsoft comes up with a system that makes

To be fair, she's still pretty tiny. Maybe some muscles there but definitely still very slim.

Is anyone else completely bored by the graphics? It's a next-generation system but the jump in graphical quality just doesn't seem that amazing, not like in previous generations. The games that were shown looked an awful lot like 360 currently available.

I had no idea you could outlaw food that wasn't known to be dangerous (like foods with chemicals, etc.)

This looks like Fabio with some massive DD jugs.


Good luck, I took it once and had the worst cramps of my life, minus childbirth. But others have taken it and felt nothing, so it depends on the person it seems.

Wait, foie gras is illegal in California? Is there a reason for that? It's too delicious?