The Cranberry Cap'n

I personally would want a non partisan (religious-wise) counselor, but I always hear about premarital counselling from a religious standpoint. (We're already living together, and have already had sex <.< )

I was married in the Catholic church, and it's required that you do what's called "Pre-Cana" before getting married. It's basically mild premarital counseling services, which basically help you to assess whether you are ready for marriage to this person. Which makes sense, since the Catholic church does not endorse

Wow, this hospital has much nicer gowns than mine did...

Me neither. Sometimes it lets down when I'm upset, sometimes when I'm reading my email, sometimes while I'm eating a sandwich. Not pleasurable either, just a prickly sensation, like pins-and-needles, and if I check my shirt, invariably I'm leaking.

Maybe so, I think being spontaneously stimulated due to pressure on nerves from the baby and being molested by one's doctor are two very different things.

Having birthed a child, I cannot think of anything less sexually stimulating than the sensations of labor and birth.

I made so many of these in my childhood. Sometimes when I was feeling ambitious the "house" would have a bedroom and a dining room too.

This is what I love about older movies. They used so many parlor tricks to achieve some amazing effects that are still pretty impressive today. C.G. makes special effects more glamorous, but less impressive.

I think you are making a lot of assumptions here.

Not necessarily. Since the women are encountering one another in the same place, I would assume that they are somewhere where bikinis and high heels in public are permissible as well as shrouds, so let's say California.

I mean that if the milk is meant for a human baby, consuming human milk as an adult far past the age that it is necessary, such as in the form of ice cream or a lollipop, should also be wrong, but they didn't seem to feel that way.

True, although I would argue that breast milk does serve a specific purpose. Perhaps it wasn't "designed" that way, but it did evolve to a specific need.

I don't get what the hubbub is about. I don't really find him that outrageously handsome.

Yes, but is that vegan?

I was comparing it to arguments I've heard from vegan acquaintances about cow's milk (or other animal milk products) for why they do not consume them — that the milk is meant to sustain offspring, and humans should not be using that for their own purposes. Not that I agree — I freaking love dairy — but that's the

I am often confused by what vegan is and isn't. I've heard of human breastmilk ice cream, which was claimed to be vegan-friendly. First: ugh. And second: are humans not animals, using our by-products for something other than their original intent (to feed babies)?

Right? Breast milk tastes different depending on what the woman ate, too. You can have salty/garlicky breastmilk, spicy breastmilk from Mexican food, and sweet breastmilk from too much cake. Not that I know anything about that.

P.S. The flavor is warm, slightly sweet milk. Not that special.

It's not the flavor, it's the fact that they are eating and/or being held that calms the baby. Babies also calm down for formula, and that stuff tastes like chalk and bird poop mixed together. Also, who is going to give a lollipop — made of sugar, which they are emphatically not supposed to have — to an infant?

You are my hero!