The Cranberry Cap'n

Not at all, I love that "nerdy" things like fantasy and sci-fi are mainstream enough that television and movies can actually do them justice. Otherwise they would be relegated to low-budget, crap acting, and no special effects. Stories like A Song of Ice and Fire deserve better than that.

Robb in the TV show screwed over Frey not for honour, or duty, or over guilt for possibly ruining a girl's reputation and prospects. He did it because he met someone hot and thought - screw it!

Oh Captain, my Captain, thank you for keeping us all entertained!

Is that... is that seriously someone sexy-face posing in front of a casket?

I don't know. Picking on Amanda seems low. She's making a spectacle of herself, to be sure, but it's pretty clear she is not in a good mental place right now. She needs help, and I mean that in all sincerity.

Ooo here it comes!

I love me some Oprah, and I don't disagree with her, but is a commencement speech really the time?

I don't know about you guys, but I ALWAYS keep my gun handy in my powder room, right next to my toothbrush. You never know when you might be applying makeup to your Troll Doll/Barbie and snuggling with your best pink Teddy in the sink when BLAMMO, home invasion!

At your local antiques store?

I'm still pretty weirded out by the required always-on. I just can't see myself volunteering to be watched by a machine 24/7 like that.

I'd be interested to know what the "loot" prize is in a pube-spiration contest.

"Women start turning into their mothers when they become mothers."

When my father was in New York, he went out for coffee one morning and wore his favorite large-brim hat, along with his standard uniform of jeans and button-down shirt. As he was walking past a bus with foreign tourists filing out, someone shouted "Ah! American Cowboy!!" and everyone starting taking pictures of him.

I have a feeling that's just lighting reflecting off of her hair sheen.

Administration suspending kids for making guns from snacks, and the NRA exploiting children for personal gain...

My true phobia is taxidermiphobia. It's pretty much what it sounds like. If I encounter taxidermy animals I get the creeps up my spine and it triggers my fight-or-flight reflexes. When I visited Ireland, I went to their Museum of Natural History, and the second floor (representing wildlife from the rest of the world)

Ugh, I totally get trybophobia. I'm not sure if I have a phobia of it, per se, but I once saw a documentary with the Surinam toad (don't Google it), when I was a child, which grows its eggs and froglets in its back under the skin. I still have the heeby-jeebies from it. Thinking about it now is making my stomach turn.

My guess would be models, at least to some extent. The faces look like actual people (albeit in a fantasy setting), and for most artists, without a model their faces end up looking too generic, too perfect, without the imperfections that make it seem like a real person.

#1 - No, please do not sit down and have a talk about how "you need to get out of the house sans bebe sometimes, I think it's really important." Your friend will not care what you think is important, and it's pretty clear that what's important to her is bringing her baby along to everything, whether it's appropriate