The Cranberry Cap'n

Perhaps he didn't really like her reactions to his jokes...

Martin Short, who conducted the interview, actually did ask him about Lucille Balle, saying "You must have loved her." Lewis replied, "No."

Aww come on, guys, you didn't even report the best part!

I had no idea how glossy and sexy juice could be. Color me amazed. Can't wait to get my juice on.

I really don't understand this trend towards hating everything that makes food safe to eat. Pasteurization, packaging, sanitation...

“They’ll have a tuna fish sandwich,” says Juice Press’ increasingly incensed Antebi, who fears Bates will cater to less-dedicated “flexitarians” by expanding Organic Avenue’s offerings beyond juice. “People will want Kit-Kat bars. They’ll no longer represent the glossy, sexy brand that they were five years ago, before

I agree that the comedy world is still a "Man's World," so to speak. It's sad that so many of the most popular comedians have been men while popular female comedians are an exception.

I don't know. He's an old man and still holds opinions from half a century ago that even then would have been considered graceless and crass comments. I just can't really get that worked up over it. If Jimmy Fallon said something like that I would be more shocked and upset.

Honestly I don't think it is that unnatural. In animal behavior studies, the more similar the male and female are, the more monogamous and also the more they invest equally in their offspring. In comparison to other species, human males and female incredibly similar, with only small differences in height and weight,

Honestly, I don't really get why sex is so important to us as a culture. Like keeping a high-octane sex life is more important than sticking it out with the person who is your closest friend and to whom you have committed yourself. I'm not talking about sacrificing happiness for a bad marriage, but in other cultures

Also, the sudden recent proliferation of super close-ups of babies breastfeeding did not help how I felt. I like watching my own child feed because I'm feeding her, because it's my breast and my child. But watching other people feed their kids is about as gross close-ups of babies with food all over their face. Sure,

"She met the male gaze, she controlled where it landed, and she liked it. Her message was: Look at me, I get off on you looking at me, and I want something for it. Only in the last decade or so has this become an acceptable expression of female power."

In the delivery room, I was in the middle of an hour and a half of pushing, when one of the nurses said to me "We have a nursing student who would be honored to witness the miracle of your child's birth."

Says the man who has had neither kind of birth. And anyway, I'm not sure people realize that you can still feel quite a bit when you have an epidural. Yes, it took away the lion's share of the pain, but you can still feel your skin stretching and tremendous pressure. For me, the contraction pains were gone (which was

I can understand. Personally I don't see anything wrong with breastfeeding a two year old if that's what people want. It's when they start approaching school age — like pre-school — that I personally draw the line. I would think it would embarrass my kid to be making school friends and potentially talking about

I dunno man. I've never caught anything for breastfeeding. I think both sides are honestly pretty butthurt.

I breastfeed. With my husband, he changes all the diapers and does all the burping. The baby wakes, my husband changes her while I ready myself, then he brings her to me, I feed for ten minutes or so, and then he takes her back to burp her and put her back into bed.

I was really skeeved by breastfeeding when I was pregnant and started to really dread it. The "lactation class" in my birth prep class at the hospital just made it worse with all the ridiculous magical properties they attributed to breastmilk.

I have to laugh at "people food." That's what I call food that my dog can't eat.

Well, actually, the newest information is that what would become European homo sapiens sapiens interbred with Neanderthalensis. They didn't go extinct.