The Butt Bank

Needs more orange.

I rarely comment but am sending you hugs and support, since this thread was weird as hell. I flagged all of their comments to and about you, though I dunno if that will do anything. I remember a thread from a few weeks ago where that commenter accused a male jezzie of stalking and harassing them, so there appears to

You’re not alone! I had a sex dream about him too sometime during the 2012 election, but thankfully I don’t remember much of it. Then again, I’ve also had sex dreams about Saruman from LOTR and Pope Francis (who morphed into Jeffrey Tambor during), so maybe you aren’t in such good company ;)

Pretty sure we’re the same, wait. I was 15.

They’re still together!!!!!!!!

You might be thinking of the Backstreet Boys, two of whom are cousins (Nick and Kevin, maybe?).

Please, please, please don’t break your sobriety. One accident out of 29 years shows incredible care even for someone who’s not an alcoholic. As you said, no one was hurt, so the only lasting harm that can come from this accident is if you give up on your sobriety. You can come back from this. Just get through tonight

It looks like his sleeve has a ding dong in that picture

Thank you for the link! It’s an intriguing concept, but I wonder how revealing the results are considering the researchers analyzed stump speeches that candidates don’t actually write. In fact, I find the 5-7 grade level far too high for the tuber when left to his own devices.

Seconding The Hate U Give! I was blown away that it was Angie Thomas’s first book - her writing is so fluid and natural. I couldn’t put it down either. Everyone should read it.

Agreed on all points, and I would add, in response to many comments in this thread rightfully arguing that Gailey should be left alone: Polanski, not the court, is the one still victimizing her by refusing to pay his debt to society and agitating to return to the US.

Can she sing? I mean why go with Hollywood when Heather Headley graces the world?

I’m really sorry to hear about your heartache. It’s sad and frightening to suddenly have your vision of the future change. That said, I think you should give him, and more importantly YOURSELF, space. I’ve read some responses about ‘detoxing’ from the relationship - I second (third, fourth) that and it takes time. Cut

Is it The Lord of the Flies? I never read that in school, but it’s on my list now! Seems fitting.

hahahaha that always grates on me when I try to read anything from that time period. It keeps me from getting in the characters’ heads.

Oh, that makes sense. It’s interesting as a literary study! Maybe the Brontes would be more digestible than Dickens. Incidentally, I need to read more Dumas.

I have tried to read Great Expectations as a grown-ass college graduate, and I gave up a few chapters in when, like, the kid and the old lady are walking in circles around a dusty room while three other randos insult him or something. I could not for the life of me actually form a picture in my mind of what was

Nope, never read it! I’ve never been much for Victorian lit. My hint was vague, let me add: rich in Kabul, poor in America.


Marco Polo?