The Butt Bank

Same on all counts. Twinsies :)

Haven’t read it, but Ready Player One?

Yes!! And Ender’s Game was one of my favorite books growing up. I reread it recently and still recommend it to teenagers. Did you read the sequels?

Ooooh, I like this! What is Ender’s Game.

That color scheme with him in the room is a crime against humanity. I can feel myself getting cancer just looking at it.

Please god, let this image be on the front page of the NYT...

Preeetty sure the apocalyptic meteor is on our side at this point. Leave the meteor alone, beibs!

Never have I seen a picture and leaped to purchase so quickly!

There’s so much to unpack here...first he denied the assault, then condescended and joked about it? Ok, I guess that’s SOP, but then he tries to imply that they’re having an affair? Or just that friends regularly pinch each other’s junk? Could men even do that to their secretaries in the good ol’ days? What exactly

Screw pussy, that woman has a damn lioness.

Thank you so much for informing and reminding us of the discriminatory practices still in place. It’s so important to remember that they don’t actually protect us. I remember reading about FBI informants a few years ago and I am not at all surprised to learn that even deep infiltration (heh) did not reveal anything.

NERD ALERT: I have considered this deeply in the past five minutes and I think Bowie should have been a pretext Eöl (Silmarillion), but I think Weaving was indispensable as Elrond. Time to go spend 12 hours watching the extendeds back-to-back...

They need to get back together so I can have some levity in my life.

haha look at hiddleston’s fist clenched around the wine glass

Counterpoint to all the beet hate you’re getting: beets are the tits and make your food pink, INCLUDING BEET HUMMUS OM NOM NOM

Oh, I object to both the word and every aesthetic choice he’s making here*, and the sweet sweet shadenfreude coursing through my veins nourishes my bruised spirit like ambrosia from the gods.

That photo of Bloom is giving me reason to live rn tbh. I pray he doesn’t develop a sense of shame in the next four years.

Snowden is a pedophile? The only search results I got claimed that MI5&6 were concerned that the information he released on their operating procedures could help pedophiles escape detection online.

<3 Focus on taking care of yourself. I'm so sorry that you've been through all of that and that this disaster triggered your trauma. How is your support network, psychiatric and personal?