
Jimmy became Saul. Saul pretended to be Gene. Gene only ever existed as a fiction, a mask Saul was wearing to lay low. And it was an itchy costume that was bound to come off eventually.

yeah not to harp on the OP but i do think it’s funny when people consider the messiness of human feelings to be a plot hole. although it does sometimes feel like that in real life too!

I don’t think there’s anything inconsistent with having a failing marriage and being devastated when your husband seemingly has a breakdown and commits suicide, then being devastated again when you learn he was the victim of a cruel prank that ended up getting him murdered.

Because there’s a difference between divorcing someone and burying them. And she didn’t even get the chance to do that. You can dislike someone and not want anything to do with them on a personal/intimate level and still feel grief when they die. Especially when you had previously been married to them.

i started re-watching the series and that would have been season 2 jesse, who pretty much said yo that much.

Just because their marriage was on the rocks doesn’t mean she doesn’t think what happened to him was horrible.

The Creator is well known for inappropriate behavior. He’s rumored to have knocked up this inexperienced girl named Mary about 2000 years ago.

isn’t shaming her characters for any of this, nor is she attempting a boomer-approved takedown. The film is more observational than scathingly critical

He was already cast in another show and couldn’t commit. Thus, we got New Jeffy.

Ignore my comments. I misread your post. I thought you were saying “I could barely get through the trailer” like because it was so bad. I see my mistake now. I apologize. I see we’re on the same side here. My bad!

The media seems to be overlooking a crucial point when it comes to this story:

“Just make sure everyone files in orderly”

Hate speech has been demonstrated to have harmful effects. There are anti-trans bills in dozens of states, with driven by the attitudes that Chappelle promotes. Transphobic speech is the fuel to the fire of trans-hate crimes, which hit record levels last year.

Hey, moron! Dave Chappelle is hardly the only person in the country or world who shits on transgender people on a regular goddamn basis. Do you care, or are you just this addicted to being a stupid asshole on the internet? Allow me to break it down for you so you can really try to understand.

Maybe finish the sentence…

Yeah, it was pretty bad.

I’m not saying the Minions movies are good but the frantic pace is in the same mold as Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry.  Kids have never had attention spans 

Excuse me? I’ve just presented you with a concrete case of a record voter turnout resulting in inaction, and you’re hitting me with the Gary Johnson line? Please consider the ways in which maybe, just maybe, we never had the wheel.

What I find so objectionable about this response, which is another with which I agree in theory, is that most of us *can’t afford* to “GTFO” of here. You think I wouldn’t love to move to Canada? I would eat poutine and hang out in Letterkenny until I died happy! Or get my brooding rainy Welshman ancestry on in

Because it’s a fresh take that people haven’t been repeating incessantly for the last 25 years?