
Counterpoint: Fuck the fanboys and their precious expectations. They’re always free to produce and direct their own version which is true to their vision

No one is complaining about that, it’s a meme, you’ve misread the situation

Reverse counterpoint: Illumination is a famously terrible animation company that has never made a well received film

Your conflating of “Someone can have two moms” and “Let’s think in detail about how people fuck” is something you should probably interrogate within yourself a bit more. Far from being an interesting point progressives are missing, it’s actually the problem they are trying to solve: There is no reason it’s inherently

I feel like I’ve read your post backwards or something.

Specifically fuck you and your hate speech toward homosexuals. 

yo fuck you

Does your doctor know you have access to the internet? – somewhat bemused, Arbroath, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago

What the fuck is this comment? Are you ok?

Yes clearly being respectful of people with disabilities is worth being sneered at. Did you get lost on your way to the Trump rally?

Because when studios use existing IP they become focused on spotlighting the familiar, and the end product often groans under the dueling pursuits of presenting people with the familiarly beloved and giving them a unique experience that stands on its own. When the movie is filled with merchandisable characters and

You can either heal from trauma or constantly try to win the trauma Olympics where no one else’s experiences matter because yours were worse. He never once compared wearing a dress to violent murder.

Not the point. People always look at the money being paid and say “what are you complaining about?”  What they’re complaining about is that Hulu/Disney stands to make millions and millions off of toys, licensing, theme parks, etc...and the cast is the major reason why the show works.  More than likely, Hulu low-balled

Nobody’s saying the government should force him to be quiet, they’re using their free speech to call an asshole an asshole.

People have been complaining about the review quality recently (site-wide), and I’ve kept quiet on that front. But this one got to me. This was just a recap, with a couple of questions sprinkled here and there. Where is the substance?

I mean, christ - what fucking context can you even find to possibly substantiate that reading?

OMG because you are being unbelievably obtuse! You’re taking A SINGLE LINE, divorcing it entirely from context, and interpreting it with complete literalism!


Donald Glover has potential to be a great actor period, not just a comedic actor.