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    No need to inject cynicism into that moment: he was threatening/genuinely considering killing Marion (however you choose to see it; I personally think he was just blustering and channeling Heisenberg to intimidate her but that’s my interpretation), she said that she trusted him, hearing those words snapped him out of

    Gene was definitely sloppy in this episode - his drinking, his phone call with Marion - but I saw a comment on Reddit that made me reconsider why he decided to steal those watches: unlike the other robberies with the tape on the doors and no physical items actually being stolen, Gene smashed a window to get into this

    It’s very easy to take something nuanced and complex, and strip it down beyond its bare essentials in order to make it sound dumb and bad.

    No he did not.

    The staff writer, a parody of a millennial wokebot”

    “No normal person”. I’ll truly never understand when people make comments like this. To be clear, I don’t even think that the transphobic stuff is the #1 reason why people aren’t watching this - the first two movies weren’t warmly received, general public disinterest and so on.