
Star for the virtual boy!

That vision is enabled by the 100+ people on dev teams. Too often we ascribe absolute brilliance to whatever name is at the top of the credits, as though the entire final product was born from their mind, fully formed and finished.

The number of ideas that get batted around in writing rooms and during editing and when

Yes, lets brush all the nasty stuff the human race does and thinks under the rug and pretend it’s not there.

In the best light this post is ridiculous and in the worst its downright insulting. It would be akin to Walmart offering up snuff-films, swastika charms and open containers of feces yet claiming that they are sticking to their ‘values’ of customer choice. A store operator is not divorced from what is on offer in

Refusing to sell a product is not censorship. You are allowed to make anything you want. You are not allowed to force a store to sell it for you.

but im glad more games will have the chance to be featured.

Jesus Valve! Have a spine! So you make some people mad when you remove the grade school shooter game or concentration camp simulator. So what?? Morons are going to say moronic things and normal people won’t care. Your store, your rules. If you abuse this power and take it to far the market will eventually intervene.

Oh my God, grow up.

Steam is where the gamergates fucking reside besides reddit, 4chan, etc. They don’t give a fuck because they are full of white men and they rather just take anyones money but forget that they are an international conglomerate.

They are aware that they are not a government and they can reject and allow games in which ever way they fancy?

People usually do think the negative about fan made products, yeah some are porn, some are cringey, some are like.....well....a thing.

Exactly. He’s not invited because of his hostility. Not being diplomatic has its backlashes. He learned the hard way.

I get called ‘gay’ ‘fa**ot’ ‘ni**er’ etc daily, and then get these people game after game after game for weeks. They will NEVER solve their toxicity problem because they are a publicly traded company who is beholden to their shareholders, they are legally bound to NOT CARE AT ALL about their customers.

Ha. He got it by being a pirate, congrats to him. Don’t understand why he’s not getting credited for his efforts even if he had help along the way. Most players accomplished such feats with help from others in many games, I don’t see the problem.

So if you speak Chinese and live in another country you’re SOL? That doesn’t make much sense.

Exactly what I felt. Too long of a tournament if the only lasting change is Frieza’s revival ( Again ... ). For me fights are just a break between important plot points and interesting development. Couldn’t care less about the hype. So I was severely disappointed to say the least.

I found that an incredibly boring end to an overly long arc. Was hoping they might upset the status quo somehow but nope. I mean sure the brought Freiza back but this is like 3rd time that happened so I somehow can’t care.

Yeah, the audience is very dramatic and blindly loyal for pro sports and esports, as evidenced by all of the replies I got here just trying to discuss it!

I like the scare quotes around “preventing toxicity” as though that were a bad thing.

Attack Torb ftw. Nothing draws an event team’s attention like a well-placed turret.