
Then I accomplished more than what I hoped to. Players refusing to adapt and then complaining when they’re expected to is pathetic

“This character challenges my generic play style, forces me to do something different, and that upsets me”

I’ve never heard of 8chan. Is that like 4chan but twice as bad?

That 6 month soft-reboot isn’t something we should give them a pass on. This shouldn’t be happening. Games like these should have had many various playtest studies done around various aspects of the game, many focus groups giving feedback, and constant QA. That’s not to say these didn’t happen, but they obviously

If its used as a stress test, then maybe don’t call it a demo. Especially don’t call it a VIP Demo. 

It’s funny how our culture tells people to follow their dreams and do what they love, and then if those people have trouble, there’s always some asshole saying “Well, that’s what they deserve for following their dreams and doing what they love!”

What’s an amazingly off-topic hot take. Did you reply to the wrong comment maybe?

Is this an article in favor of removing quality of life changes? A bit strange to me. I think tutorial stuff can be over the top however I’d prefer a game to be more user friendly then user agitating.

You know Odyssey asks you up front how you want to play the game? There are two options iirc, Exploration mode, and Guided mode.  I imagine exploration mode might play more like BOTW and RDR2.  I chose Guided though, because unlike you, I don’t have enough time or patience to “figure shit out”.  Same reason I can’t

It is a game and ofc you have the HUD on. If it is a difficulty setting (like in MGS) then it is a different matter but playing without it is neither more real, true or hardcore.

The thing is, no one asked for their games to cost $200 million dollars to make in the first place. If games are costing that much to make now days then that is a huge indictment against the management of the companies making those games. I guarantee you, the bulk of that $200 million is not going to the rank and file

Yea... There are millions of gamers who fucking adore playing classic Mario Party.

Still falls into the “unnecessary idolization” category.  People only see what they can buy something, and doesn’t think about whether they should buy that thing.

I feel bad because I know this kind of model is basically preying upon people who have minimal self-control or otherwise feel compelled to have a product on the very first day and be a part of that ‘first day experience’. Otherwise, logically speaking, people would stay-away from first-day purchases and pre-orders

Some of that is at the cost of competitiveness. Games where competition is a big thing and accessing the game early means getting ahead in the game before everyone else. Sports games, and online games means an early boost to power.

Boo big disappointment game.

Reminds me of those dumb French Connection UK shirts. Every highschool kid thought they were so edgy for wearing them because it said “FCUK”

If their partners are going to bitch about interrupted marketing plans in the face of a 6.7 earthquake, then their partners can go fuck themselves.

I agree with you, this kind of ignorance and bigotry can not be ignored this is huge for someone to disrespect a disaster. I live in California and I had to evacuate my home because of the Holy fire it’s not a joke things like these take a long time to recover from and I wouldn’t be surprised if it took a week for

It’s a burner account named for a 4chan meme and the word “dick,” they’re trolling