
Torb is fine if you don’t know how to counter him. A Dva will get rid of the turret easily and he’s relatively squishy with a large head. His armor bonus is minimal, and his ult rarely turns the tide of battle in high level competition.

I also kind of take the team balance thing with a grain of salt. I mostly play QP so it’s not so “elite” but some of the wackiest/worst team comps, have netted the quickest wins and loudest rage-quits I’ve ever seen.

A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.

I mean at best the game is playing into very dated stereotypes towards trans people. The fact that you don’t understand why people are upset about this implies many things about your views on the LGBT community.

Given the context of what the scene is portraying this scene, playing into really dated and offensive stereotypes towards trans people, I’d say people have justifiable reasons to be upset about it.

It sucks that in Overwatch, a game that you PAID to play, you are being held to unrealistic standards of esports teamwork, where players GET PAID to win (did I do that right?).

you CAN actually win with a “non-optimal” team combo though, and sometimes easily because the enemy team is not prepared for your mix’n’match combinations.
But that goes against the mantra of the hyper-competitive - sorry - ASSHOLES who think that every game has to become a sport.
Sorry, not for everyone, not even for a

I almost exclusively play Mystery Heroes for that reason. Far less toxicity. Admittedly, it’s a whole different game when you can’t pick your heroes, but it’s still far more fun than wading through rage and salt every match because you don’t follow and emulate the meta of the day.

Yeah, sucks playing a team based game with the team.

At the same time, he’s packing a 57% win rate with Symmetra. That’s absurdly good. In his case, they’d actually be gimped if he swapped.

If you don’t like your team’s composition, then change your own class, don’t demand it of other players.

Should we do the same with professional player that do the same trick over and over Like a boxer that will always do a double jab right

That’s... not at all what censorship is. Are you having a stroke?

I really can’t believe how harsh and critical you people are to someone who wrote a thoughtful article and is a human being who sees what you write. Maybe his next hot take take should be about the irritating trolls of the Kotaku comment section?

He didn’t claim to be “bullied”. That’s your own overwrought interpretation of a not particularly angst-ridden article.

I think framing what he is talking about as an “issue” is a bit of a misinterpretation. This is a gaming community, and he’s attempting to explore an aspect of gaming in greater depth.

There is no issue at hand, barring the personal anecdote that is being used purely as... well, a personal anecdote. It’s an idea. It’s

This is a bad take because, in your attempt at simplifying, you completely misrepresent the author’s words.

But he’s right.

If I recall, Bungie once said Heroic was the “proper” way to experience Halo.

No, he saw a game with an issue about how it approaches difficulty, and then used that as a prompt to address how bad difficulty sliders/choices are as a whole. Some people don’t want games to be super hard and Wolfenstein 2 is just contributing to the bad implication that people who like easy games are losers.