
It compromised accessibility as well, the Wii was bad for me because so many companies including Nintendo themselves ignored making southpaw options for the motion controls, making them awkward and painful to use because if your using your left, your arms are doing to opposite of what’s happening on screen and have to

Quite bluntly, if their fans are as petty and juvenile as they are acting above, they don’t really deserve to be listened to. 

“Hint: let people enjoy things they like.” So it’s bad when pro-E-sports fan do it but not when Football fans do it like in the above article (funny a lot of people in the comment are pretending the article itself doesn’t exist to justify their hate).

A slap in the face, really?

Are you seriously going the whole “inferiority complex” angle on an article where Football fans decided they had the right to halt a game because a team was spending their own money on a thing they don’t like with childish things like throwing controllers on the field with “Fuck E-sports” on them? That doesn’t sound

Same as Conservatism and Nationalism is on their both right wing movements, you point is really nonsensical and reeks of a “everything is extremism” attitude.

That’s one of the reason I don’t like Kojima a bit, I find that he captures the worst aspect of Auteur Theory (something I disagree with to begin with) and allows his ego and his fame to disregard anyone elses contributions who were below him like his quite frankly appalling treatment of voice actors like David Hayter

Problem is when you keep hyping and hyping and hyping before launch, you run into the chance of making your product impossible to live up to expectations regardless of how good the game/film/show/art is even with a high name individual like we saw infamously with John Romero or many Kickstarters with high names

Online Passes were like this. Companies first test the waters, then went as far as they could with them, justifying the BS Business practice with stuff like fighting “piracy” and “Server costs” and having tons of defenders happily following the line.

If their worried about that, game companies could do what Sega did with Persona 5 where they put as part of their video policy that they aren’t allowed to show footage up to a certain point. Not to the same extremes they did but maybe for the first week or 2.

Really? That seems like the opposite of a good live service, I really hope that game doesn’t succeed, I do not want stuff like going to games like Dragon Age.

I can imagine if this was thing in fighting game scene. Competitive and Pro players are already will to pay a fortune to play the games at events or arcades in Japan to get an early head start, they keep wanting the games to come out earlier and earlier so their ready for EVO or the Capcom Pro Tour like we saw with


Remember when Square Enix had previously tried to do this with Dues Ex Mankind Divided with that awful “Augment Your Pre-Order” nonsense they tried to pull? It’s kind of scary in such a short time how we’ve become more accepting of practices we once saw as awful.

Dang it, sucks she got stuck in the side material :(

Honestly it is, too many times have I seen Esports and competitive fans want to see toxic and crappy behaviour for the sake of “drama” to treat a lot of it seriously.

Okay even if this is bait I can’t stay silent. WTF, are you kidding? Ignoring the fact that due to the sheer amount of crap happening over there, they might not even have the staff that’s needed for it and Kyoto itself isn’t doing to good, this was clearly done out of respect to those affected, today probably isn’t

Seems fun for a good larp. Makes me curious how they’d do Psycho Mantis

Soul Calibur 6 still seems to be wanting to compete with Red Dead 2 it seems. Don’t know why though.

??? Pretty sure this person is just an arsehole regardless of avatar, don’t see how an avatar from an anime has anything to do with anything.