
Yeah I got eight watching the first stream alone. While I find it odd, it’s not that hard, though for people with limited or bad broadband I’d say make sure you have it at the lowest connection so not to have eat it up.

And it’s not just games, movies too know, like with Amazon Prime video, even if you buy a movie instead of the rent or free videos, you can still have it taken away from you randomly.

This is a good thing, I only know EVO but with the photobombing the crowds just allowed to abuse and humiliate the players (Hi Smash fans), some of the people allowed in who have a history of violence and attacking and nearly killing people and been too prison for it, the stalking, the sexual assault of women players

I was confused at the title until I realized this is about the US Amazon and not the versions worldwide since Spider-Man was never gone. 

All I want to know is have they planned on how to deal with toxic players in advanced before it’s even allowed to get out of hand. I don’t want a repeat of so many other games with competitive modes were false flagging/reporting, death threats, chat abuse and many other things are allowed or little is done.

Dear Lilith the comment in the article are nasty today. Some of these commenters are trying really to hard to justify the joke.

He’s also now copyright striking any video on YouTube who uses footage from his apology video or re-uploaded it if ResetEra is right. I don’t he gets what irony is and I’m reminded of when TmarTn pulled that when he was caught promoting his CSGO gambling site to a young audience with disclosing he owned it (and

Yep he monetized it when it was up. 

I still don’t get what he was thinking by daring and taking swipes at Jason like that, though I don’t get why people do that in apology videos in general, I remember PewDiePie did the same thing with the WSJ and so many others when they get caught doing something wrong. Like it’s so obvious that their being

Again, you seem to be missing the issue of how creative griefers will mess with you. Already mentioned above is how while they can’t kill you, they can still destroy your buildings and mess with your campand that’s not even going into the other stuff like blocking quests or just the whole Nuke function.

And of course r/Kappa is using this as excuse to mock autism and calling people “mentally sick” because someone they don’t like won... I hate so much of the fighting game community and I’m so sick of nerdy places in general using autism as their go to insult.

I’d also add Street Fighter, in my experience or being yelled at for not having the right opinions on the games, they can be VERY snobby and elitist and being rather nasty and passive aggressive if you don’t agree with the whole.

Yes they payed the money, but that doesn’t entitle you to be arseholes to the players and to make a complete arse of yourselves, many sports do look down at booing like Golf. and Tennis for example or when in the World Cup their were fines for when the fans went to far with their chants, its not universal.

Doesn’t mean those who did it shouldn’t get punished.

F*** you if you were booing, I’m normally not the type of craps of Smash fans but if you act like that then you deserve to be kicked out of EVO and never allowed to return because your the type of toxic trash Fighting games don’t need.

They should at least be banned from going to EVO again if they can be identified. I don’t care how much you don’t like a character, that’s not on.

The fact that the EVO staff allowed that to happen and didn’t seem to care about the well being of the players as the booing was happening doesn’t paint them in a positive light either.

SkaOreo is right, blind support of a product regardless of the quality gives out the wrong message to the company, tough love is needed sometimes.

This but even the roster was also a Capcom problem as well as a Marvel problem.

That sounds like really bad storytelling honestly if they just go through the same plot point over and over again without any change.