TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Don’t forget Land Rover. I can still buy everything from body panels to an entire chassis for a Series.

The law was amended recently to allow for the Canton to override the town decision but basically to become a Swiss citizen you need the approval of your neighbours.

My question is, why would you want to try sympathize with a person like Morris?

There is a reason that position is called silly mid-on and silly mid-off.

I would expect at the very minimum a cuddle afterwards...

Boo, hiss. Take my star.

I find my driving is a lot less aggressive in the Landy compared to my Jag. Not being able to go fast and just accepting that fact makes you less worried about having to get there quicker than what the GPS predicts.

I’m just impressed he can read multisyllabic words.

He’s of Scottish descent, don’t you put that evil on the Germanic tribes Ricky Bobby! 

I wish to meet your parents so I can congratulate them on a job well done. Simply perfect.

My biggest issue when switching sides of the vehicle is slapping the driver side door when you’re trying to change gears. When the door is solid metal, it hurts.

What’s not to like? AWD with 40/60 front/rear split, sports suspension and 5 speed manual mated to the 3.0L european V6. My 04 X-Type has 148K miles on it and is still going strong.

Uh... remind me never to bring my 04 148k mile —->****X-Type****<—- to you. I actually want it to keep running as well as it has these last 12 years.

It’s called herd immunity, read about it. Vaccines effectiveness increase dramatically when everyone who can get them, gets them. The real issue lies with the kids of for legitimate health reasons (READ: Not some moron parent’s “religious” objections) can’t get a

Afraid, or strangely aroused?

When you owe the bank a $1000 000 it’s your problem, when you owe the bank a couple trillion it becomes the banks problem.