TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

The only person winning here is Tavarish if someone is stupid lucky enough to take this car off his hands.

I doubt we’ll be able to noticed any difference on VWVortex between hacked accounts and regular posters...

Lol you Ohioan sports fans are so sensitive, I make fun of your state and you all fall over each other screaming “No! Your Dumb! Ha look, I so smart I called him dumb”. What you fail to realize is that when you make fun of New Jersey I laugh because I don’t have a massive inferiority complex you lot seem to have. Hell

...better than the taint of America.

Why, do want to move there and upgrade your surroundings?

If they offer this with the Haldex AWD, we’re in business...

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

If anyone is worried about aluminium bodies not lasting, I can think of one company that seems to not have an issue with longevity...

My favorite use of horses.

You forgot to mention the next day, for guys it feels like you were spread ever so slightly for an entire day. You know what I’m talking about... I fucking hate those stupid beasts and their stupid shit spewing assholes.

It’s the vape man, it befuddles their minds.

For when you want to get through to the back of the crowd and not just the first row...

What if a few Oppo’s just want to make a video for the shits and giggles?

Sigh, can’t for wife family reasons... what’s your work from home policy like? lol

Can’t you guys open a Dev office on the east coast for... for... hmmm, I KNOW! Disaster recovery reasons, yeah that’s it, disaster recovery reasons. Don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket you know.

I’ve had a brilliant idea, but it was not pitching a tent at a funeral... damn you philphil.

God damn you and you’re brilliant ideas.

Will there be a bar and will it have Whiskey?

Compared to the LT77, the R380 is amazing though...