TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

I’m doing the same as you, although I’m on the hunt for a 130 double cab. They haunt my dreams...

Woot! Seriously though, if ride sharing with autonomous cars becomes a thing, I’m buying stock in industrial disinfectants.

I’m more a fan of factory spec classics, but I would still take her out for a spin and see how she handles!


Don’t know, but I hope they use copious amounts of concentrated bleach.

It may justify autonomos cars, but it’s definitly an argument against shared autonomos cars... ew.

(•_•) /

Ah Michèle Mouton, back when men were men and she was kicking all their asses. Top 3 favorite driver.

“You... know... you... like... it... baby... Want... to... go... to... the... champagne... room...?”

I had a bruises in the shape of her fingers for about a week on my arm.

There are alot of things the Wings need to fix offensivly.

Yeah that was an interesting drive to say the least. On the upside it wasn’t enough to send my future wife screaming, although she probably should have... Oh well, not take backsies!

The indie shop I take my Land Rover too sometimes lets me bring my own parts. Granted I’m getting the stuff from Atlantic British and Rovers North. Both very well known and trusted Land Rover OEM suppliers on the East Coast and I’m pretty sure he get’s his parts from them as well. He just charges me a little more on

Ah yes, I remember being a 15 year old playing FPS. Then I grew up and actually figured out a semblence of how international polotics works...

Three figure income huh? Man, that dude must be the king of the trailer park...

I have some sweet Alissa Walker bait though:

Well technically if you own a Land Rover, “work on your Landie day” comes up pretty frequently.

I’m aware of Micahel Faraday and his work, just your average person would think of a Faraday Cage first. Watt would have probably been a better choice so you could play on gigawatts, kilowatts ect...

I watched that, my bullshit meter is still spinning. Also Faraday? What, did they read a science buzz word book to get that name?