TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Okay buddy, you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Let’s get you home,

I think the V6 Diesel Fiat is only around 90lbs heavier so it can’t throw off the driving dynamics that badly.

You want to know about the engine? It’s got an engine. It’s fast enough to merge onto the highway without getting steamrolled by a semi-truck. It’s got a transmission too, notchy enough to make the Rubicon’s off-road suspension bob with each gear change.

Would have been better if he coughed the ball up on the one yard line....

Wes, I really enjoy your blog but in this instance you can not be more wrong. I am South African and I have friends and family who work as Game Rangers and support staff in the Eco-tourism within Southern Africa and not one believes that trophy hunting helps conserve these animals.


Funny, I don’t see you berating the fish for eating poor defenseless little bitty baby fish that are too slow to get away from it earlier in the day. How would you like it if you were just swimming along peacefully and some big bully comes and eats you?

Maybe the driver is fat and needs the counter weight?

Hipster Land Rover says, we were building Aluminium trucks before it was cool.

Awesome read and nice selection of vehicles, the Land Rover to pull the Toyota through the tough parts of the trail and the Toyota to tow the Land Rover home!

No you don’t want to do that, the D - clamp will sit too loose and could be under load at angles it wasn’t designed for. Just spend $30-$50 on one of these:

I was refering more to people over torquing a head bolt. All the times I’ve had to replace head gaskets the bolts came with a instructions detailing the order in which you torque the bolts and what torque you have to first use to preload them.

Doing the heads on my Discovery right now and it’s very clear on the order

It blows my mind because all head bolts come WITH TORQUE SPECS.

I might need to stop by there on my lunch break tomorrow. In fact I think I probably will spend my lunch break there tomorrow...

Slim to none, unless ISIS somehow was able to steal one from Iran which I highly doubt.

They’re very useful, they can be used for a number of things. Jaws of life, winching ect...

That’s where the whole mantra “Slow as possible, as fast as needed” comes in to play. When going through a muddy field/hill, preventing or limiting wheel spin will help keep your momentum. There is no hard an fast rule as it really depends on the situation, I was once able to get through a mud bog while towing another

In my head I thought I put that in there, good catch.

Great write up, I’d say another follow up could be on how to preform a safe recovery with all the basic gear needed. Along those lines;