TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

You’re on fire today.

If only your Range Rover had a rear tire mount:

Whelp, I guess I shouldn’t bother with something witty.

I remeber back in the early 90’s when we’d go to Ponta de malongane in Mozambique on holiday; they’d have pictures up in the front office of the camp of vehicles that where swept out to sea because people parked their truck on the beach below the high tide mark. That or they thought their Hilux and/or Land Rover

My Mora Exclusive 311 is pretty much my daily carry for when I’m hiking or camping. I love that knife.

Old, cheap, slow, small and a manual.

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Technically that’s a Santana 88”, also what Andrew said.


I have to drive past Whole Foods on my way to Walmart to buy American flag themed lawn furniture to sit in front of my trailer with. Every once and a while I bag me a fixy bike and then mount it on my wall of my double wide.

A hipster wouldn’t know a 1990 GTR if it plowed over them while they were riding their fixy bike down to Whole Foods to overpay for their fair trade organic kenwa.

Well, that’s not entirely true:

One of my club members has an xjack, we tried to use it on recovery of my truck and I was not impressed at all to put it mildly. We went back to the good old tried and true hi-lift with wheel hooks. I’d suggest you get yourself a 42’ as it can double as a winch which is better than hoping someone will pass by and help.

Fake beadlock wheels, nothing screams “I’m a massive douchebag” like rolling in your bro-dozer with fake beadlock wheels:

I just have my good old percolator which works just fine for me.

You get English muffins in England? When did that start happening?

Good, it should have been higher.

If only more NJ state troopers would do that.