TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Hey do you mind doing me a solid, find the nimrod accountant who decided discontinuing the Defender was a good idea and kicking him squarly in the nuts?


I'd talk the guy down 2k and then have a sweet project car.

What ever I'm not British. Don't make me free the shit out of you...

You're an officer and a gentalman.

Congratz Spiegel! Ducatiman and I are happy for you!

Dammit, here not hear. Stupid phone ruined it.

Sorry the US government is not hear right now, please leave a message after the beep and we'll get back to you as soon as possible..... BEEP.

You're a rare talent $kay, don't ever change.

Dammit I missed the pun thread? Dam it.

Huh, so this is how I die. Who knew.

Ah yes, the brother to "cum-guzzling thunder cunt"

I'd still be wary of taking that thing into deep water. Especially if it's brakish/salt water