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    If you have a bunch of friends willing to buy it, perhaps it’s a bit more fun, but as for the online with randoms it’s a complete crapshoot, emphasis on crap. There’s no kick function, and pretty much every map has at least one section where all 4 players need to step on switches together to open a door, or end the

    So a man goes outside and walks for 13 hours, having fun and raising money for charity.

    I’m honestly sort of tired of this argument. Metroid is not a super-high selling title, sure. But games like Super and Fusion have sold higher than, say, Pikmin. And I’d be absolutely shocked if a 2D portable game cost anywhere near as much as a 3D HD game like Pikmin 3.

    “About 5 years”? No no no, try closer to a decade.

    “by taking that bs delta pokemon schtick from the fangames”

    A late reply, but tell me more about those healers that don’t need line of sight to initiate healing.

    Blanche is a runaway FE character? I think you meant Spark. Odin Spark.

    I entirely disagree. She already did up to 50% more average healing per second han Mercy could d0 (including reload time), up to 3X as much as Mercy with the grenade active (plus the base 100 HP from the grenade itself).

    IMO the skin is fine.

    There may be some similarities, but I’m really disinclined to trust the modder here after looking at the extremely disingenuous juxtaposition of images seen in this article.

    Nice memes, but unfortunately Magikarp is hella expensive to evolve.

    This honestly looks terrible. No analog control of your movement. Instead of simply flicking the C-stick for quick smashes, you’ve got to awkwardly reach down and press a button. L and R are constantly used for rolling and shielding and need to be held while using the other buttons, something this setup makes awkward.

    It literally subtracts from the game though, in that we don’t get DLC Japan got. Whether or not it’s content you personally cared about, we are quite literally losing content Japan had the option to get.

    I don’t really see how Overwatch is even the same thing, first of all. I don’t believe anybody paid for the beta, open or otherwise, so your complaint about it being an online-centric game, while valid to some extent, seems to be absolutely unrelated. I see somebody trying REALLY hard to expose “hypocrisy” (“You can’t

    What platform are you playing on? I’ve had absolutely no problems of the sort.

    I disagree. The game’s got 3 difficulty modes, allows you to change mid-way through, bonuses for having multiple routes purchased, DLC items and classes (Much of which is free) 2/3 paths allow for grinding, and even Conquest allows you to build support points which unlock Child Paralogues to gain more EXP. While I’m

    Snipers only work if a Bastion is terribly positioned. The problem is that Bastion’s got stupid-long range too, and his damage and accuracy don’t really fall off. 9/10 times, if you can shoot him, he can shoot you.

    The last time I talked about my huge PVPness, I was escorted out of the building.

    This article leaves me confused.

    This is why Junior Jumble is superior.