
I’m... both surprised, and not. This system isn’t shaping up to be very good. The launch titles are underwhelming (aside from Zelda), the online service is laughable, and the reliance on your phone for any meaningful communication is just downright awful. That last bit wasn’t ingenuity, it was an attempt to offload a

And everyone who got one will play it exactly as long as it takes to finish Zelda and not touch it again until Super Mario Odyssey.


Why should I care about this? Let’s be blunt: I was brought up as a Nintendo fanatic - my original N64 is a Japanese one, so I could pricily import versions of the game I couldn’t even understand just so I could feed my addiction sooner - and even I can tell that there’s nothing in the first 6-9 months worth

yeah you’re real smart to preorder a nintendo console, that could never backfire.

And you move onto doing the exact thing Cawthon mentions being a silly mistake. Sigh...


Oh, look, someone blindly defending a corporation that’s actively removing beloved features from a game that always existed so they could earn big bucks with very little work. How novel.

More like “more legitimate complaints about anti-consumer pricing structures from a group of consumers,” but sure, you can close your eyes and pretend there isn’t a problem here.

Think it gives the other team an advantage? Get good.

Oh look, Valve once again being money grabbing wankers.

He didn’t. Everything significant was done privately and anonymously, short of his personal ‘likes’ on Facebook. Even if he had made some sort of public endorsement, it wouldn’t excuse targeting a product line he founded, and no longer owns. That only hurts consumers. It’s bullshit through and through.

PC Master Race my arse.

This track really has a way of lingering long after you first hear it

Is that C (the one that doesn’t get used much anymore), C++ (the leading cause of BSODs for a while), or C# (basically Microsoft Java anyway)?

It got me out of the house and walking every day for over a week but then little things started becoming major nuisances. I hit my item cap and ran out of pokeballs because every one I threw got replaced with a healing item. When I tossed those out and tried building back up my stock of pokeballs they got rid of

It’s definitely not that. It’s cuz they’re awful developers. My buddy got his account terminated for Geo tagging just because we played an efficient route too. I always played with him (same level and everything) so I know he definitely never geo tagged and yet he got banned and I didn’t. Niantic just bit off more

And that’s why I won’t invest any money into this app. Spend money on something and the app deems you a cheater even if you’re playing legit...

Why do you bother replying to every comment you disagree with using this same condescending bullshit argument? To imitate, you clearly don’t understand arguing.

No, his point is valid. This game is 5v5,

Looks like undeserved entitlement is ruining another scene. They detect one sniff of importance in themselves, then start demanding the developer starts bending over backwards to their every need.