I clicked on this thinking it was going to be a biopic about John Locke...
I clicked on this thinking it was going to be a biopic about John Locke...
Wow, tons of posts from women on a so-called "women's" website that are filled with bitterness, jealousy, bitchy comments about promiscuity and STDs, insinuations about drug addiction and irrelevance, and, of course ageist (even though [in typical contradictory fashion, see article on Betsey Johnson] if you're old and…
Where do you work? Sounds like a public library?
Early first use of "amazeballs" in this post. According to my self-imposed rules I can't read any more of it now. Thanks.
I can't wait to be able to post emojis in comments sections.
Just way way TMI. Sadly I only read Jezebel now to feel better about myself, not in the way the site intends...
I guess my litany of complaints about Jezebel is winding down, because I realized when I saw this headline that even though I had begun to put the crucifixion of Lena Dunham out of my mind, the only reason I pass by this site now is too hate-read, and that's not good, so...
Wow, as citizen of Bavaria this is a real wake-up call for me. Why, I was just sitting here thinking about how nearly 40 percent of our adolescent-to-young male German-Africans are incarcerated...oh, no, that's...
Wow, you actually make a preferential distinction between green and blue eyes? That's frightening.
Who knew Danes were so cold-hearted? Their pastries are so lovely.
Trishelle was the last straw for me too. I know I should have felt sorry for her (and the girl who had some kind of personality disorder or baby daddy drama or whatever) but it was just such a skankfest. I actually physically felt unclean watching Trishelle.
Um, it was the nickname of Louis Armstrong? Allen is well-known for fancying himself a jazz musician and often played in an ensemble? Hello.
Thank you. I was thinking the only thing that could have made this article worse and more self-righteous was if Lindy West had written it.
Please do not flatter yourself into thinking that you or your classmates had any effect whatsoever on professional outcomes for tenured faculty. Higher education at accredited institutions isn't Starbucks; you don't send you soy latte back to the faculty senate because it was only 115 degrees...
Just be glad you don't have a (professionally under capitalism) useless MA or PhD too. It depends what school your BA is from too. If it's from an ivy/public ivy the BA will probably open more doors than a graduate degree from a terrible program.
Thanks for posting this honest comment. Without going into as much detail, I feel the same way and act accordingly.
When my Biggest Loser exposé
I clicked on this link because I thought it said JOAN Jonas (the video/installation artist) Is Blogging About Fashion Week. Disappointed.
We had a similar situation in 2012 at the college I went to where a professor threatened violence on one student, had coerced sexual relationships with at least two students, and terrorized others to the point where they dropped out with a combination of threats and aggression. Made tenure. No action. Turned over full…
What does CR mean?