
The victims of abuse are usually the first ones to defend it, just as you have. I'm sorry you were forced to do hard labor as a child, and also beaten as a child. Even tho you are not.

"It was so sad when Edward Norton got out of jail and didn't get along with his old friends anymore."


It's Jezebel and she's Latina. Enough said.

I personally found this hilarious. I'm very positive this was physical satire. I just don't understand Jez. It's OK when other women do it, but not Sofia Vergara. I don't want to go on a different tangent here, but it's starting to seem like racism to me. That would explain a lot, actually.

said a woman whose most popular television characterization is a caricature of her culture that borders on Stepin Fetchit buffoonery. Let's not pretend that this is her first go-round with misrepresentation.

They got here REAL quick. I love when people read entire article that's clearly praising Beyonce just to say they don't like her. Why even click in the first place?

The long sleeves look so much better.

This is why I think the only governmental system that really works is a blend of capitalism and socialism. Go too far in the direction of socialism, and things like Venezuela happen. Go too far in the direction of capitalism, and things like America happen.

stop calling people "batshit crazy". It's just lame. You are just perpetuating the stigma in psychiatric disease. This is why so many people are afraid to get help. Because of bullies like you.

Did I say all, or even most?

It sucks that Lena Dunham is the one who is doing it, and not me

I've seen comments similar to yours (I don't mean this as an insult) and I've developed a theory about these shows/films that are supposed to sum up a generation: it often depends on how old you are when you watch. If you're close to the same age as the characters it's hard not to see the unrealistic parts and

So you think religion should decide political policy, but only if it's the kind of religion you approve of?

Well, David Fincher just lost title of "Best Use of Enya in a Film".

They all are assholes; including the writer.

Not being able to fit everything into the lede is a valid excuse, IF this was a print publication where space is limited due to page dimensions. You're writing on the Internet, you can slam as much information as necessary into your lede without fear of breaking the Interwebz.

You wouldn't be wrong. There has been quite a lot written about the effectiveness of Nazi iconography. They put a LOT of effort into presentation, the Hugo Boss uniforms, the Albert Speer architecture, the Leni Riefenstahl films. It really is beautiful if you don't know what it all means.

Sure. Eliminate one of the following words from your headline: very, pasta. Wow. That was SO hard. =____=