You are the single worst commenter in the entire Gawker universe. And that is really saying a lot. I have never seen you make any comment to any person that was not abusive, offensive, inordinately defensive, or all three.
You are the single worst commenter in the entire Gawker universe. And that is really saying a lot. I have never seen you make any comment to any person that was not abusive, offensive, inordinately defensive, or all three.
Hi. I think it would be a very responsible – I can't even say attempt, but maybe, like, a half-hearted, four-fingered flutter – in the direction of journalism to identify Reason-Rupe Polls (progenitor of Reason, which is identified as if people should known what it is, like The New Yorker or something) as the product…
Tracie, I'm sorry but these type of posts, and the reflexive and rude answer that says basically that people who pose questions about taste and judgment can't think and are stupid, is one of the reasons that you have, to say the least – the very least – a vastly different core readership than what you may have…
Consumerism and power go hand in hand for the poor. A blow against one is a blow against the other. Spike Lee has become quite problematic but a good dramatic illustration of this principle in action forms the climax of Do The Right Thing.
This is exactly the reason I left librarianship.
C'mon now. You did not:
Stories about work process are really interesting for everyone and particularly the writers who read this site. I'm one of the few people in my demographic who does not like TAL anymore. I don't think Glass – and yes I am aware of the vast amount of navel-gazing he did on-air about it – has ever sufficiently owned up…
tbd...sorry... anyway, I would be aggravated/annoyed that Mr. BlackMinx had spent hours making this elaborate scheme when said hours could have been spent having actual sex. I actually do not need "enveloping an encounter in desire" to get me interested in being penetrated (or whatever). Maybe I am more of how you…
I appreciate the lengthy and polite answer. To sort of get to the end first, regarding the aphorism from Judith Butler, like all social theoreticians from Plato to Nietzsche, some of her statements are distilled. This is just a statement about the philosophical reality of un-knowing. Her ideas about gender are complex…
Well thank for the polite reply and lengthy explanation.
I see what you are saying and agree that beings need to have the integrity of, and security about the integrity of, their own bodies; that's a fundamental issue in all human and animal rights discourse.
I know this is from an MRA troll but I just have to tell you that this is the most repellent thing I can imagine any man anywhere doing and if my husband did something like this I would never come home after being "told" to "dress up in [my] best outfit," not to mention the other creepy stuff. I know this is…
This is an interesting and very self-confident post and it is thoughtfully worded.
Exactly my thought. The "too tender from last time" comment is also very telling, like, she only considers the possibility of the one orifice to be sex. These people are obviously headed for divorce, but, I don't think the spreadsheet was such a terrible idea, compared with bottling up the resentment interminably,…
It's tough to imagine which of his equally disturbing sex crimes finally motivated the American Apparel board to fire CEO Dov Charney. Now it's come out that a 2011 case, in which former employee Irene Morales accuses Charney of forcing her into "sex slavery," was the tipping point.
I wasn't going to post to this article until I saw your comment so thank you for your insight and for the oblique encouragement. I concur wholeheartedly with your analysis of the author's insistence about what a great place UofC is except for...
I guess Bajc could just stop working for Israeli intelligence systems providers, stop going on CNN to spout off insane theories about MH370 being in Pakistan, stop being the quintessential ugly American abroad, stop making a case for the people who point out that the entitled housekeeper-employing Anglophone is…
No, Evernote is a tricky little beast. You have to keep an eye on it all the time. That function that runs in the background, even on Mavericks? No.
Look, I've had enough of these Upworthy-style-written posts about television programs no one watches, apps no one uses that happen to have at their corporate helms former Gawker media writers, "rants" about magazine "beauty boxes" containing wtf Procter & Gamble products.... could you at least have some consideration…
I agree...I began to go through this article and the one about the Texas school for all the spelling and grammatical errors alone and just gave up. Crosley is just a terrible writer. Jezebel needs to cut off all these side enterprise blogs and hire an editor, and a copy editor, at least. And get rid of writers who…