Jezebel, and this writer who cannot write in particular, has worked hard to ensure that the site attracts exactly the type of people who do not know who bell hooks is. reaping and sowing.
Jezebel, and this writer who cannot write in particular, has worked hard to ensure that the site attracts exactly the type of people who do not know who bell hooks is. reaping and sowing.
Beyoncé has become a lightening rod yet again, and this time she's attracted the unfiltered attention of critical thinker and author bell hooks.
Brilliant Nails reference!
Yeah, if you're a Gemini, you need to be with an Aquarius, and only an Aquarius. Very good work.
Of course she is. Jezebel in general is a feminism troll site. I'd say this writer in particular, but my main complaint about this one is she can't write in addition to being racist and sexist.
says she's a 28-year-old medical student that is "5-foot-10, 130 pounds with blond hair and green eyes,"
Say, how do people find ROYGBIV, exactly?
...nor was she allowed to expense the cost of straightening her curly hair, which cost her $45 per week.
In the film the Nola character is clearly an adult, living on her own and in fact being "sex driven" aside, this film is partly a character study about someone at a quarterlife crisis approaching larger questions about identity and what to do with her life. Just wondering if you would identify a man in his mid-…
Wow, that is an attractive pair of dogs!
To be clear, the people in the Vaterland speak German, hence the name of the language for Anglphones OK? The dialect in Wien is a lot different than that in Salzburg, but they are both dialects inflected with Italian, French, or the Tirol dialects. Us Volk in Bavaria speak a dialect which is quite beautiful and has a…
Love Artemis of Ephesus inspired figures so much, I once was her for Halloween!
Wow, this sentence:
Don't you think the headline is nasty enough? "Southern Tornado?"
"....and I certainly don't know enough about Kenyan gender relations and cultural mores to responsibly hazard any guesses about them. ..."
What if, after about 120 years, people discourage other people from reading the book because the writer was a product of the times, a dilettante from late capitalist colonial America?
I think there's a general misconception, which is higher than normal amid the Jezebel population but high amid Americans anyway, that public comportment, and manners in general, is/are something that is supposed to make you, the individual comfortable.
Are there only like two guys in town to date? Sounds seriously messed up.
Also some people manage to reach 40 without a faux fur white shag rug and some nasty generic "tribal" tattoos. These are just typical white person thinking they are being all cutting edge photos trading on a woman's perceived desirability as the currency of her worth.
Yeah that pesky new media start up, the Wall Street Journal...purveyors of businessy babble speak for more than a century, who would EVER get their economic data from that rag? Seriously, I hate their editorial policy, but the reporting seems legit, and you're insulting your readership {as if being a colleague of LW's…