The Bill McNeal

Every morning, I thought ‘I just want to drive to Galway Bay and sit on the beach and look at the ocean.’

Next season on True Detective

Yeah, that’s not true. The chest/torso is a bigger target and you’re more likely to hit it. Hollywood has people thinking its so easy to hit arms or legs in firefights and that’s just not true at all. They’re smaller targets and that’s not even taking into account other factors like they could be moving (making them

Killing Witt was gratuitous. Him not shooting Roy in the leg made him look incompetent. Couldn’t he have at least been wearing a bulletproof vest to make the stabbing less fatal?

stop saying

“If the small man is so wise, then why is he so small?”

From Rankin/Bass holiday specials to the shower of Home Alone’s cheapskate Uncle Frank

Condemning Israel makes you anti-Semitic

I don't think so, Tim.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Alan Oppenheimer’s home address*

“McBride claims to have suffered pain, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life over being denied the reward”

Did SNL also make her flub every line she had?

I thought his letter was going to say, “It was DICK JONES!!!”

It’s a weird movie, starting with the conception of the thing. I guess it was a passion project for Turturro, but the idea that his Jesus character could carry a spin-off which would be a more-or-less direct remake of a controversial/cult French film from the ‘70's must’ve required an almost superhuman level of

Randy Quaid, the latter of whom is a red flag in most any movie”

I clicked, read his two picks, and was ready to roll my eyes straight out of my head and all the way to Nepal. But I do get his reasons.

Old Orchard Beach would be a great setting for a certain type of horror movie. It doesn’t look like what most people think of when imaging the Maine coast. Rather, it has the appearance of the slightly run-down, seen-better-days-look that most people who haven’t been there would probably associate with the Jersey Shore


Fatman was great.   I know Mel Gibson is shitty and is dragged (rightly) on this site constantly, but Walt Goggins’ awesomeness cancels it out in this movie.