The Bill McNeal

Remember when the AV Club used to do Classic TV Club reviews?

I haven’t the foggiest idea why anyone would want to quote Sam Barsanti. And honestly, he probably stole it from Sean O’Neal.

Probably until they all show up in Deadpool 3.

I do enjoy the irony of Sam Barsanti accusing something else of being tired and legacy-tarnishing.

It’d be better if the players were recreations of the old Kenner Starting Lineup toys.

I’m surprised that the awful Big Lebowski sequel didn’t make the list.

Exactly. I couldn’t believe that when I read it.

In its defense though, the same kid became a 20 year old (playing 17) 3 years later in Jaws 2.

Sort of hoping he’ll show up in the next film when Superior Spider-Man forms his own team, like in Spider-Geddon

Yea, as someone that used to vacation in nearby Wells Beach, I have a soft spot for Old Orchard. Along with Hampton Beach in NH, they have that grimy old beach town feel.

De Niro will always get a pass for Midnight Run.

That’s not a knife, that’s a spoon.

Is this the modern version of them throwing stuff back into the Disney vault?

I also love their Orange, Grapefruit and Cranberry Drys.

It’d make a great double feature.

I agree, this is just disgusting. It’s high time we start a revolt against the AV Club. Like Custer, we will make a stand!

Not like he needs the money anyways, he already owns every kind of classic car. He even owns doubles of some of them.

Tell me about it, I’ve been trying to get an A.A. Dowd origin story off the ground for years now.

The only thing that would have made it better was a post-credit stinger of Andy ranting about how this film murdered his childhood.

I preferred the replicas of Wings’ lunch counter that they built in smaller, regional airports. Complete with Tony Shalhoub animatronics.