The Bill McNeal

Once, while walking home from school in the winter, I slipped and shit my pants. Then I had to walk to rest of the way home with shit down my legs.

Once, while walking home from school in the winter, I slipped and shit my pants. Then I had to walk to rest of the way home with shit down my legs.

McNulty was the drunk Irish detective.
Bunk was the drunk black detective.

McNulty was the drunk Irish detective.
Bunk was the drunk black detective.

Not Lenny!

Not Lenny!

Not Lenny!

Ronald Reagan taught us all about the true spirit of the AV Club!

Ronald Reagan taught us all about the true spirit of the AV Club!

Did you atleast wear the ribbon?

Did you atleast wear the ribbon?

Community notification?

Community notification?

Will we get free chicken nuggets if we do?

Will we get free chicken nuggets if we do?

And…. they're gone. Guess I won't getting that either.

Braun Strowman must be in charge of this transition, because he's not through with Disqus yet!

Braun Strowman must be in charge of this transition, because he's not through with Disqus yet!

If we're going to die, we might as well drag that cocksucker Disqus into the icy depths with us.

This might be controversial, but I don't think Donald Trump is doing that bad of a job….