The Bill McNeal

And I was two days away from retirement…

I smell bread…

"Come, brothers! Let's go fight a war… in the stars!"

To Sean O'Neal?

As long as it isn't that awful Chicago-style monstrosity that they try to pass off as pizza.

In the end, aren't we all Leonard Pierce?

What stage in the grieving process are we at?

Uhh… No.

Don't cry for me, AV Club, I'm already dead.

Ernie the Kinjarian… good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of the AV Club, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.

Lenny, have you been out on the street lately, do you know weird it is out there? We've taken our own headcount, there seems to be 3 *million* completely miserable assholes living on the AV Club.

The AV Club
Just the loneliness of the unknown

That's just a cholesterol blockage.

That's definitely something Funkhouser would do.

Kinja Ernie's making a list that definitely… well, probably won't be discarded in his cubicle's trash bin.

I've had it up to here with these damn rickets!

It's time for total anarchy, so any Simpsons reference is welcomed!

This is the worst thing to happen to me since they took away that vending machine at work. And I loved those sandwiches, damn it! Just like my mom used to make….

Kinja Ernie says that's not important! Just embrace the Kinja, goddammit!

There's no shame in hiding like a coward.