The Bill McNeal

May Kinja Ernie burn in hell with the fury of a thousand CancerAIDs!

Even MASH didn't drag on for this long.

Sorry, Kinja Ernie had to run to lunch, but he swears he'll have everything running soon.

Hey Hey! I've been in Reno for six weeks, did I miss anything?

The first thing we need to do today is pick a position. Like Custer, we will make a stand!

I understood that reference.

Maxie Zeus?

Maybe It'll be like Clue, where they make three different origin stories that change depending on where you see it.

This is our life now.

And to prove how serious he was in this matter, Jones then proceeded to rip off his shirt and loudly bellow for the next hour.

I heard he stole all his material from Denis Leary though.

I think most of us have felt embarrassed by our father doing dorky shit in public at one point or another. So I can only imagine how mortified that kid must be on a daily basis.

Alex Jones was right when he said the Red Wedding was a false flag operation. They were all paid actors!

What about Ted Raimi?!

Yea, but the other message of the series is that there's always going to be some other asshole that tries to reopen Jurassic Park.

It's like SimCity, where ideally you should be balancing the books and passing new ordinances and what not. But, realistically, you're just letting Bowser destroy your city.

You're doing God's work, Mark. Or Kinja Ernie's, I suppose…

Yea, I was hoping at some point here, Bronn was going to jump sides and reunite with Tyrion — but maybe he's better off just jumping on the first ship out of Westeros.

I thought that was just Sean Spicer.

Or if they expel all their efforts into just killing the Night King, only to find out that their theory was bullshit and killing him doesn't stop the rest.