The Bill McNeal

It's about time! I've had it up to here with these damn rickets!

As someone who listened to the audiobooks first, my biggest gripe was the drop off in quality from the first three that Roy Dotrice did to the last two.

To be fair, each one was filmed at a different camp, so some of the other ones could be right too.

Kinja Ernie never really existed in the first place. Although, you could say that we all have a little bit of Kinja Ernie in us.

In a post-credit stinger, they'll reveal that the Day Man has been recruiting heroes to put together a team in order to take down the Night Man. Green Man's there too.

Kinja drank all our good beer, but only brought a six-pack of Natty to the party.

You can stareā€¦ but will you really want to?

It's like when Airwolf went to the USA Network. Then they killed off Ernest Borgnine and the rest of the cast vanished.

Not if Kinja Ernie has a say in the matter!

By height.

When you get to Hell, AV Club, tell em Leonard Pierce sent you!

It'll run as smoothly as anything pertaining to technology has.

They're working on it. It's after basic functionality on Kinja's to-do list.

Iron helps us read unnested and unsorted comments!

Under the new regime, all upvotes convert over to Kinja stars. At a rate that is most unfortuitous.

Couldn't even wait till after the Game of Thrones season finale?

I'm hoping for an ending where Tormund and Brienne's giant warrior babies take over Westeros.

I want to be a rebel like Don Draper and just stare at the eclipse. Then follow it up with a night of booze and drugs.

Atleast it ended on a high note.

What are the odds that the mission to the North is a complete success and everyone comes back safely?