The Bill McNeal

Man, cirrhosis of the liver is a real bitch.

Is Under the Dome back on the air?

Have no fear, they have stories for years…

I read this in the voice of Troy McClure.

Yea, if there's one thing the AV Club lacks, it's coverage of John Oliver.

Must have slipped their sight.

What? You didn't enjoy seeing Fallon engage in some heavy petting with Trump?

Angelfire says that they're available!

That's true. I loved listening to Louis CK talk to Patrice O'Neal about how great it was being a white man.

We definitely need a WHAS: The Next Generation season that focuses on the Deegs' reign as King of Camp.

Part of me was really hoping that Nurse Nancy's heel turn was going to be a surprise cameo for Jon Hamm.

It did. After they did a scene where Harris nearly drowned, yet Cameron kept rolling the cameras. From what I read, this was the culmination of a particularly dreadful shoot.

My favorite James Cameron story is from The Abyss, when Ed Harris finally had enough shit and punched Cameron out.

Andy's weird stutter during the cafeteria scene has me wondering if it was a flub they kept in or intentional…


This is the SECOND red Hulk with a 70s pornstache!

Goro deserved his fate! Those were $500 sunglasses he stepped on!

I knew it!

Nick Offerman does! And he probably made it himself moments before!

Are you saying you're a human? Or are you addressing the rest of us?