The Bill McNeal

Some days that seems a bit generous…

It's a veritable who's who of talent you didn't realize were actually still working in film.

Not only wasn't J.J. late, but he was the first one to arrive at camp! Way to fuck up the continuity, guys!

Those blueprints are literally kicking his ass.

Well, if God wanted your dishwasher fixed, he'd have phoned for a repairman.

That's the power of Michael Keaton's charisma.

Well, Donald Trump cares about Appalachia as much as anyone else does, I suppose.

"Gambling is illegal at Trump golf courses, sir, and I never slice!"

Is all of Trump's clothing two sizes too big?

Atleast he really laid into that shithole New Hampshire.

The strangest thing is that apparently Brian Garfield, the author of the two novels, wrote the early drafts for Death Sentence. He also preferred the finished product more compared to the Death Wish series, which opted to glorify vigilantism.

Yea, when I searched Wikipedia, I found out it was technically based on the sequel to the original novel. And it came out a decade ago, which means more then enough time has passed for a remake/reboot.

Didn't they already remake Death Wish with Kevin Bacon a few years back?

Ping pong matches mostly.

I can't wait for the movie based on the book.

Warren G. Harding?

Between Cyril Figgis and Jerry, Chris Parnell sure has a knack for playing a sad sack loser that's ridiculed by everyone else around him.

Yea, it's the closest I'll ever get to using a butterfly knife, because if I ever used a real one, I'd just end up slamming it shut on my hand.

Don't worry, they'll pass overnight in the blink of an eye too. Then they'll clutter up dollar stores across the country for the next decade or two.

I often find myself sitting at my desk absent-mindedly taking playing with a stapler for no real reason, so I can commiserate.