The Bill McNeal

It wasn't funny "ha ha", it was more funny "boo hoo, that totally sucked".

"I opened up to a therapist just once. I was a kid. I got into a fight. The doctor asked me question after question! Got me so scrambled up. Next thing you know, I was shanghaied upstate to a nitwit school."

I look forward to more sponsored posts about Spam recipes.

It's a really quick play though. I had the night off last night and blasted through it in two sittings. Still have to finish some things up though.

Yea, James Madison used to say it all the time in 1814.

No one is really sure what you're thinking, Bill. And quite frankly, no one really wants to know.

To be fair, Diamond Joe Biden threw several "raging keggers" in the waning days of the Obama administration, so the place probably was a little wrecked. I also heard he stripped the place clean of copper on his way out.

I imagine Steve Bannon enjoys a hearty chuckle as he imagines kicking minorities out of the country.

Hopefully it's a better product then Vincent Price's Egg Magic.

This whole president deal is part of a bigger scheme where Trump and his merry band of misfits irradiate all the gold in Fort Knox.

I like to imagine that Donald Trump will have a memorial akin to that episode of Futurama where Bender became a pharaoh.

"I don't like counting."
"It's not that much counting. It's just one, two, three, then four and you win."
"But a lot… a lot of times, you got to count that much."
"Not that many times. If you get it once, you've won the game."

Temple of Doom has a brief cameo of Dan Aykroyd with a British accent. Take that for what it's worth.

Something just jumped above Disney World on my dream weddings list!

Crackle'll be ecstatic that people remember that it still exists.

As if that was bad enough, they've got those drunken, oxy-poppin Floridians next door.

I'm not sure I'd want to bring such a hefty tome onto a flight with me. Airline employees are beating the shit out of passengers enough as it is. I'd hate to give them new tools to do it with.

We'll finish this later, after I fulfill my duties with my customary adequaucivity.

It's one thing, of course, to know you're adequate, but to have a fellow member of the commentariat stand up and say "Yes, you sir are adequate…"

I found it to be more pandering then Ready Player One.