The Bill McNeal

The first time we went to Philly, we ended up eating at the Hard Rock Cafe because it was a couple of blocks away from our Center City hotel. I could barely hide my seething rage that we were eating there instead of Reading Terminal Market that was right next door.

It's a crepuscular system!

There's nothing I hate more then an ostentatious grasp for attention.

Not bad, Charlie. I didn't catch any rape references, nothing about spiders, nothing about ghouls.

Unfortunately, he only shows up a few nights a year.

Jesus Philly, shit like this is why Mac ended up fat.

Charlie: I knew that guy was full of shit! I knew it!
Dennis: What guy?
Charlie: That lawyer guy, okay? He totally besmirched me today, and I demand satisfaction from him.
Mac: You want him to bang you?
Charlie: Uh. No, Mac. Be serious, okay? He slandered me in front of a jury of my own peers, all right? Look what they

You make it sound so easy!

I have that one in my queue too. And RagNerdRok, because they did some Fiasco games.

Sure, if you can get two warriors to play. Of course, you can play with only one warrior, but it's just not as fun.

Anyone listen to any podcasts of people playing D&D campaigns? Or any other pen and paper games? I fell in love with the idea after an episode of Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men where they played the old Marvel Superheroes system. I have a Star Wars one and a Ghostbusters one sitting in my queue, but I'd love to hear

Oh God… That's where I'm from…

The closest comic shop is two hours away, I believe.

Unfortunately, I live in the god forsaken no-man's-land known as Vermont.

I wish I had friends to play D&D with… Or any friends at all.

As someone that lives in terrible southern Vermont, I can agree with that.

"Okay. Introducing Heyday. He lives perpetually in his best year of 1982. His nemesis is the evil Writer's Block. He’ll live forever as long as he continues to come up with great, interesting and relevant ideas."

Except for Crazy Joe Davola.

DC also has New York City on top of those two.

It might just be my crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead, but I really want Nikki and Mr. Wrench to win in the end.